Former President Donald Trump has finally decided not to testify in the trial for the bribery case of former porn film actress Stephanie Clifford, known as ‘Stormy Daniels’, despite the fact that he had opened the door to it on numerous occasions, although his team legal advised him not to do so so as not to expose himself to intense interrogation.

Instead, the defense has decided to present two witnesses, among whom Robert Costello stands out, to discredit Michael Cohen, the former president’s former lawyer, who testified that the magnate commissioned him to silence ‘Daniels’ with payments until after the elections of November 8, 2016, in which Trump himself was the winner.

After the session, the magnate accused Judge Juan Merchan, who is leading the case, of being “corrupt” and having “conflicts” of interest, as published by the CNN television network. “The judge is very partial, very corrupt. And he is tremendously conflictive. When you have a corrupt judge, many bad things happen,” the former president said.

The Prosecutor’s Office accuses Trump of 34 crimes for alleged document falsification, within a plot with which he would have tried to hide the payment of $130,000 to ‘Stormy Daniels’ to buy his silence and not talk about the extramarital relationship they had in the context. of the 2016 election campaign.

The charges Trump faces date back to an investigation launched by the Manhattan district attorney’s office following an alleged plan by the magnate to bury several sex scandals in the media.

Trump’s then-lawyer Michael Cohen, who was also vice president of the Trump Organization, arranged the payment to Clifford by providing said amount from his own pocket and the former president returned the amount hidden in various legal expenses within the company’s records.