Vox has signed the former leader of Ciudadanos Juan Carlos Girauta for its list for the elections to the European Parliament on June 9, as Girauta himself has confirmed to Europa Press, who declares himself “delighted” with the proposal.

The integration of Girauta is, for the moment, a proposal that the leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, will have to convey to his National Executive Committee (CEN) in a meeting scheduled for this Sunday in Vitoria. Once received, the Vox Executive will have to approve it.

Abascal’s idea is for Girauta to be placed on the list behind the current leader of Vox in Brussels, Jorge Buxadé, and the current MEP Hermann Tertsch.

Girauta has declared himself “delighted” with the Vox leader’s proposal. “It’s an honor,” he tells Europa Press. Regarding his colleagues on the list, the lawyer and journalist also highlights the “admiration” that he feels for his “friends of many years.”

Vox has good prospects for the European elections in June and some surveys indicate that it could double its current representation.