The PNV has won by the minimum, with nearly 29,000 votes, over EH Bildu, with which, however, it has tied at 27 seats in a fierce contest between both formations for hegemony in Euskadi. At the end of the day, the Jeltzales have lost four parliamentarians compared to the 2020 Basque elections and EH Bildu has won six.

We review the results of the Basque elections in 10 graphs:

The main news of the election night has been the tie for seats between PNV and EH Bildu. The PNV’s victory over EH Bildu has been so close that there is still one unknown: the vote of foreigners. EH Bildu and PNV are fighting for the last seat in Álava with the vote of Basques permanently residing abroad, known as the CERA vote, while Sumar can take it from the PSE in Vizcaya and in Guipúzcoa EH Bildu could get the parliamentary number 25, now in the hands of the PSE, according to data from the provisional scrutiny offered by the Security Councilor, Josu Erkoreka.

The Basque nationalist parties, PNV and EH Bildu, have broken their electoral ceiling of 52 parliamentarians by obtaining a total of 54 representatives on April 21. The photograph of the new regional Chamber that was elected this Sunday at the polls will be unprecedented, becoming the most nationalist in history.

EH Bildu has consummated this Sunday, in Álava, the upward trend that began in the last two elections to the Basque Parliament, in which it was positioned as the second political force, and, after winning this Sunday’s elections, it has relegated the PNV to the second place in that Historical Territory.

The sovereigntist coalition has obtained 8 seats, two more than in 2020 with 29.44% of the votes, while the PNV has lost two and kept seven, with 26.99%. The Socialists have maintained their four representatives in the Autonomous Chamber, with 16.34% of the ballots, and the PP adds one more, up to four with 16.02% of the votes. Vox has also retained its seat with 3.71% of the ballots. Sumar has burst onto the Alava political scene with a seat and Elkarrekin Podemos loses the two representatives it had.

The party that has won the most votes compared to 2020 has been Bildu with more than 90,000 more votes, followed by the PP, with 36,500 more votes; PSOE, 27,400 more and PNV, 20,594 more. The division of Podemos and Sumar, after the breakup at the national level, takes its toll on the state alternative left, given that Sumar has obtained 3.34% of the votes (35,092 votes) and Podemos has remained at 2.25% (23,679 ballots), compared to the 8% of votes that Podemos achieved in 2020 and allowed it to obtain 6 seats.

This other graph shows that difference in votes province by province.