The second vice president of the Government and leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz, assured the King this Monday that her party is still “very far” from reaching an agreement with the PSOE to form a new coalition Government.

This was stated at a press conference after his meeting with the Head of State within the framework of the round of contacts that he has begun to explore the possibility of proposing a new candidate for the Presidency of the Government after the failure of Alberto’s candidacy. Núñez Feijóo.

Yolanda Díaz has conveyed to Felipe VI that Sumar’s desire is to form a “progressive” coalition government chaired by Pedro Sánchez, and they have been working on this since the beginning of August to try to reach a consensus on a programmatic agreement, but she wanted to make it clear in various occasions that, a month and a half later, the agreement between the two parties and the Government is “very far away.”

However, he has guaranteed that he will work with all the “discretion, responsibility, level-headedness and a lot of dialogue” so that this agreement goes ahead. “We are going to work to comply with the citizen mandate but as of today there is no agreement. We are far from the progressive Government,” she reiterated.

This morning Sumar’s spokesman already expressed himself in similar terms when he warned the PSOE that it still cannot count on its votes and that they will not give it a “blank check” for the investiture, urging the socialists to accelerate the negotiations in order to to unblock the issues that are “stuck”.

Already this afternoon, Díaz, after his meeting with the monarch, said that the key to the pact with the socialists is to achieve an “ambitious” agreement, given that Sumar’s contribution to politics can only be understood from the advancement of rights.

In this way, it has reiterated some of its requirements for the agreement such as the reduction of working hours, a new care law, promoting a new dismissal system based on a restorative model, a progressive tax reform that ends tax inequality between SMEs and large companies, a law to reduce waiting times in healthcare and a new regional financing system, which is not “metapolitics” but consists of improving public services.

“We are not satisfied with what we have done these four years. We need to advance in rights,” Díaz pointed out to emphasize that they already made it clear in the campaign that Sumar aspired to continue progress while the PSOE focused on “consolidating” the Government’s path in the previous legislature.

Of course, Díaz has insisted that his desire is a coalition agreement with the socialists, despite the fact that there are now “substantial differences” in areas such as housing, and that “he does not dialogue with red lines”, aware of knowing what the limits are. of Sumar and the PSOE.


Within the coalition of left-wing parties they emphasize that their presence in the Government is only understood if it is to apply improvements and that other parties on the right are already there to consolidate governments. They also consider the issue of regional financing to be fundamental with a reform that they consider feasible, given that it is a matter whose negotiation involves the territories and not the parties.

Regarding whether he sees more difficulties in Junts and ERC after the resolution in the Catalan Parliament regarding making an investiture of Sánchez conditional on the referendum, Díaz has stated that he will not reveal the content of the negotiation between the political forces out of discretion, but maintains optimism. in order for the investiture to prosper, convinced that “respect” for the mandate of the polls on June 23, in favor of a plurinational country, will prevail.

Regarding whether she has preferences to approve investiture and whether she has a shared plan with the PSOE, the leader of Sumar has responded that this function falls to Sánchez and he should be the one who defines the calendar.

As for whether he is addressing with the PSOE the composition of a future coalition Executive, Díaz has insisted that they are not in the negotiation phase on the government organization chart, a door that will only open when a programmatic pact is achieved as agreed. jointly in the work methodology.

In this regard, he has indicated that the president must be respected, given that the composition of the Government is his task shared with Sumar, so in the future both formations will propose the people who hold the ministerial portfolios.