‘Génova’ seeks to capitalize on the “wear and tear” that the amnesty and the referendum is causing in the socialist electorate


The leader of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, will be accompanied on Sunday in Barcelona by a good part of his territorial ‘barons’ to support the demonstration against the amnesty called by the Catalan Civil Society (SCC).

For now, the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, the president of the Region of Murcia, Fernando López Miras, the president of the PP in Catalonia, Alejandro Fernández, and the president of Castilla-La Mancha have confirmed their attendance. , Paco Núñez, as sources from the formation have informed Europa Press.

In the same way, the president of Aragon, Jorge Azcón, will probably attend, although it is not yet closed, according to sources from his team, and the president of the Andalusian Government, Juanma Moreno, and the president of the Valencian Generalitat do not rule it out either, Carlos Mazón.

The president of the Xunta de Galicia, Alfonso Rueda, has a complicated presence because on Monday the debate on the State of Autonomy begins in the Galician Parliament, as sources from the regional Executive have told Europa Press. The president of the Balearic Islands, Marga Prohens, will not be able to attend either.

In any case, the PP will make a great display next Sunday in Barcelona, ??with Feijóo at the helm, supporting this call from the Catalan Civil Society (SCC) under the motto ‘Not in my name. Neither amnesty nor self-determination’

Despite the insistence of the press in recent weeks, the PP has not confirmed Feijóo’s presence at that protest in Barcelona to defend “the Constitution, the equality of Spaniards before the law and respect for the current framework of coexistence.” “, in the words of the general coordinator of the party, Elías Bendodo, who has indicated that the leader of his party will attend as “just another Spaniard” but will leave the leading role to the organizers.

Bendodo has also assured that Feijóo will participate in this march to support the thousands of constitutionalist Catalans who have suffered a lot during the last six years and who “they have wanted to silence and separate since then.”

This SCC demonstration occurs two weeks after the protest against the amnesty organized by the PP in the Plaza de Felipe II in Madrid, in which more than 60,000 people gathered, according to party sources.

At that rally, the leader of the PP – who also surrounded himself with his territorial ‘barons’ and the two former presidents of the Government José María Aznar and Mariano Rajoy – proclaimed that what no Spaniards voted at the polls was “a change in the constitutional regime”.

The PP leadership sees an investiture of Pedro Sánchez as more likely than an electoral repetition because, in their opinion, the acting head of the Executive has “no limits” and will “give in” to the independentistas to remain in power.

Of course, sources from Feijóo’s team warn of the “wear and tear” that the amnesty and the referendum are causing in the PSOE electorate and there they frame the “pedagogy” campaign that Ferraz wants to promote to explain Sánchez’s negotiations.

The ‘popular’ consider that there is no social mandate from the Spaniards at the polls to approve an Amnesty Law and that will be one of the messages that they will repeat forcefully in the coming weeks, given the lack of “social support” that they already see in the left-wing electorate itself and which some surveys already collect. “The left bloc loses troops and the right bloc adds it,” according to sources from Feijóo’s team.