Santos Cerdán highlights the “bravery” of the PSOE to “overcome its own contradictions” in the service of Spain

The former president of the Government José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero has reaffirmed this Friday his support for the Amnesty Law agreed by the PSOE with the pro-independence parties and has also assured that the current moment is the best in the history of Spain.

This was stated at the opening of the Political Convention that the socialists are holding this weekend in A Coruña, which was inaugurated minutes before by the Organization Secretary Santos Cerdán, claiming the “bravery” of the PSOE to overcome its own contradictions in the service of Spain. , as he has transferred.

“Yes, I am a firm defender of Amnesty because I believe in the democracy of generosity, of coexistence, of starting over,” Zapatero indicated at the start of this conclave in which the PSOE intends to update its political ideology for the legislature that has just begun.

Zapatero was one of the first socialist leaders to speak out publicly in favor of Amnesty – even before Pedro Sánchez himself – and now he reaffirms himself before the party’s leadership with the law already in full parliamentary process.

Before 1,200 delegates, including a good part of the leadership of the PSOE and the territorial barons – the general secretary, Pedro Sánchez will join this Saturday – he also defended that the current moment, the years 2023 and 2024, “is the best of the history of Spain”, because, as he has indicated, there is no terrorism, there is a Government without corruption, record employment levels and companies have higher profits than ever. “And I add, a Government to which they have not declared independence in any territory of the country.”

As he added, there have never been so many individual freedoms like now – “the freedom to live, think and love whoever you want” – and furthermore, Sánchez’s Government is the one that has made the most effort to improve the incomes of the less fortunate, as indicated.

Furthermore, he has rejected the argument that Spain is breaking up and that the socialists are subject to blackmail and giving in to the independence movement and has claimed his party as “the backbone of the Constitution since 1878 in Spain” because “it has been in all the great pacts and reforms”.

Furthermore, the former socialist president has been in favor of the delegation of powers on immigration agreed by the PSOE with Junts, while at the same time he has disfigured the PP for its opposition and for them to say that it goes against the Constitution. “If they are going to end up declaring the Constitution unconstitutional,” he said.

Likewise, he has been in favor of “trying again” to reach a State pact on migration so that this issue is not a “combat element.”


The PSOE Convention, which carries the motto ‘Impulse of the Country’, also serves as a starting point towards the Galician elections on February 18 and Zapatero has taken the opportunity to offer to participate in the campaign of the socialist candidate to preside over the Xunta, José Ramón Gómez Besteiro, who was sitting in the front row and who will have a prominent role throughout the weekend.

“Besteiro is a great last name, it tells us many things, it is a president’s last name. It has a character, some unmistakable traces of a president,” he noted before predicting that they are going to give “the surprise” and obtain the presidency that the PP now holds. with an absolute majority.

Zapatero, who was starring in a panel on the strongest democracies, stated that “the stronger the PSOE is, the stronger democracy is in Spain” because it is the party “that best accepts the electoral results” and the results of the polls. “We are an example, a great example, let’s say it with pride, because we always respect the ballot boxes and the institutions,” he added.

Regarding the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, he has said that he calls for demonstrations against Sánchez and against the PSOE “every two days” because “he is afraid that they will call them against him, as they did with (Pablo) Casado in Genoa,” he indicated. in reference to his predecessor at the head of the PP.


Before Zapatero intervened, the person in charge of welcoming was the Secretary of Organization, Santos Cerdán, who has claimed the PSOE as the most open, democratic and participatory party.

In this sense, he stressed that “he has the courage to open new debates and to assume his own contradictions and overcome them in the service of the interest of Spain.”

Thus, he has assured that they will continue to engage in useful politics, something that can only be achieved “with humility, high-mindedness and courage”, as he has pointed out. “And being very clear that there are no better tools for this than dialogue and agreement, because politics without dialogue is not politics,” he concluded.

“It is not always the easiest path, but I am sure that it is the correct path. Socialists will always find us on it, building bridges and betting on coexistence, always recognizing those who are different and respecting them,” he noted below.