The Swiss Federal Council commented on Facebook’s Libra. The Bitcoin exchange BitFinex gets from the Prosecutor’s office a regulatory rebuke, and Israel is trying to Blockchain-companies. The regulatory-ECHO.

By Phillip Horch
26. August 2019BTC$10.430,29 3.34%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Welcome to the regulatory ECHO everything you’ve missed on the subject of Bitcoin regulation.

setback for Bitfinex: court confirms jurisdiction

The two Blockchain-companies BitFinex and Tether in New York before the court. In the negotiations, among others, to the embezzlement of US $ 850 million. So far, the company pursued a clear strategy – they rejected all responsibility, they would have says customers in New York access. The New York Prosecutor’s office is so, so BitFinex and Tether, is not responsible for the process. The Prosecutor, however, sees it differently.

Israeli authorities to Turbo: financial supervision wants to FinTech licenses fast-tracked to forgive in the future is likely to change the regulatory environment for crypto-companies in Israel is significantly Positive. This is because the Israeli financial market authority CMA wants to grant market authorisations for FinTech companies in the future fast-tracked. The authority aims, the competition in the country to encourage and promote the industry as a whole. Bitcoin enthusiasts, and Blockchain-entrepreneurs should be pleased with this news.Bitcoin, China, and the U.S. drug crisis, the USA will in future proceed more against Chinese drug manufacturers. This use, according to the Report, among other things, Bitcoin, to bring their black ducks in a row. In the case of the planned actions, the United States is fighting against a Problem that has grown on their own soil.Bitcoin-exchange-Cryptopia: liquidator to make customer data safe

A soft sigh of Relief in the case of the former crypto-trading space Cryptopia. This is because the insolvency practitioner of Grant Thornton were able, apparently, to make sure but still lost customer data. After it looked in may then, as a third party would be to delete all files, were able to rescue the insolvency administrator now, some of the data. The stock market operators is, however, little hope.

Libra: the Swiss Federal Council commented on Facebook-WährungDie planned “Facebook-a world currency” Libra is a quite controversial project. 23. August met with delegates from the United States to the privacy officer of the Switzerland to discuss the future of crypto-currency. The Swiss Federal Council did this in the run-up to its opinion.


The Top Bitcoin and Blockchain-News of the week, The regulatory-ECHO USA want to Echo the Bitcoin tax evaders to the collar of The Top Bitcoin and Blockchain-News of the week#expression-ECHO#Newsflash#regulatory