In the United Kingdom are crypto-values are not currencies or securities while the competent securities authority in the USA, asks the editor of the VERI Token to the cashier and the securities Commission in Ontario to allow the prospectus of 3iQ subject. Far away from the securities warns BaFin in front of crypto-Assets, and Facebook has in the crypto-currency Libra again setbacks. The regulatory-ECHO.

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11. November 2019 BTC $ 8,656.52 -1.18% part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail Anti-Libra: the EU provides for design review of a digital Euro by ECB

From a current EU draft, the European Central Bank (ECB) is considering the introduction of a digital currency. The financial authorities of the member countries should agree on common guidelines. The draft could be adopted in December in a vote, and Facebook Libra-throw the project back further and further.

Canada: Closed Bitcoin-Fund in the making

The securities Commission in Ontario has approved the prospectus of the closed Bitcoin-Fund of 3iQ provisionally and is now considering an admission. At the beginning of the year, the regulatory authority has blocked the appropriate authorisation. Then 3iQ went in appeal and has referred to the compliance with the prudential regulations for the BTC-custody.

UK: Bitcoin neither a currency nor securities

The UK tax authority has renewed the guidelines for the company and declares that crypto-values, neither of the currencies or securities. Accordingly, the cryptographic values do not fall under the British stamp tax. Already in 2015, the European court of justice (ECJ) has decided that the exchange of Bitcoin is exempt from VAT.

Veritaseum CEO Reggie Middleton needs US 9.5 million dollars in comparison with numbers

In a dispute between the businessman Reginald Middleton, and the U.S. securities regulator, the SEC, both parties have agreed on a settlement. Middleton must therefore pay for the settlement amount of a total of 9.5 million US dollars, including a fine in the amount of one Million dollars. Middleton is accused of unregistered securities in the Form of the VERI Token (Veritaseum) sold.

Libra: Australian authorities call for further information [display] buy Bitcoin with the Bitwala account. Why have a Bank account with Bitwala? A Bank account is “Made in Germany” with protection of deposits up to 100,000 euros; 24/7 Bitcoin trading with faster liquidity; trading only ‘real’ Bitcoin has no financial derivatives such as CFDs; Secure users of lift-off control of the Bitcoin Wallet and the private key; With the contactless Debit Mastercard worldwide, and pay.

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Facebook’s planned crypto-currency, Libra is not only in the European financial sector to criticism. The Australian authorities see in the digital currency is a threat to the financial sovereignty. A special Committee of the Australian financial services supervision has in a way already warned in July of risks of Libra for investors and consumers.

Bitcoin regulation: BaFin sees risks for investors of crypto-Assets

The German Federal financial Supervisory authority (BaFin) collects a market survey of derivatives with crypto-Assets as the base value. In the report to the BaFin highlights potential risks to investors of crypto-Assets. Through the survey, the market development of derivatives on crypto-Assets analyze.


According to Libra: Facebook payment system, Facebook Pay leads a BIZ appoints Libra-critic Benoît Cœuré as Chairman of its new FinTech-Department of Russia wants to make Bitcoin & co. jams recycled #Libra#regulation#of securities