The PP leadership believes that this party cannot be outlawed and does not rule out being able to cede its votes to the PSOE if it promises not to agree with Bildu

The Popular Party will register in Congress a non-legal proposal to start the parliamentary commitment of the Government of Pedro Sánchez that there will be no pacts with Bildu as long as he maintains convictions for terrorism both in “his electoral candidacies” and “in his structures”, an initiative with which they will force the Socialist Party to take a portrait.

The formation led by Alberto Núñez Feijóo intends that this proposal be put to a vote before the local corporations that come out of the elections on May 28 are constituted, sources from the PP leadership have indicated. In this way, the PP will continue to keep this issue at the center of the media focus during the electoral campaign.

Specifically, the Popular Group urges the Government in its proposal to “break immediately and definitively the agreements that it currently maintains and not promote pacts, nor establish any type of governance or any other type of agreement, with political parties that have in mind their structures or that have included in their candidacies for any electoral process, people who have been convicted of crimes of terrorism, regardless of whether they have served their sentences”.

The PP has criticized that Pedro Sánchez did not respond either in Congress or in the Senate if he will agree again with Bildu in Pamplona, ??Navarra and municipalities in the Basque Country after May 28. Party sources consider that the ‘face to face’ with Feijóo was “quite clarifying” because by “omission” he comes to recognize that he will continue to agree with Bildu.

“Now we are going to see if they are willing not to agree with Bildu”, have indicated the same sources, who have stressed that Bildu “should not take those convicted of terrorism in any case” nor keep them in its “structure”.

Given the fact that Sánchez has denounced this Wednesday the “cynicism” of the PP for not saying “nothing” in 2015 when Bildu also presented convicts, the PP has indicated that then nobody thought that the Socialists were going to reach agreements with them and therefore Therefore, this assumption was not included in the Party Law, according to ‘popular’ sources.

“The previous Socialist Party did not agree with Bildu and that is what has changed”, the same sources have abounded, which have censured that in this legislature Sánchez has allowed Bildu to present the axes of the Housing Law in Congress, has “delivered the Law of Memory” or that formation “dictates the penitentiary policy”.

The PP leadership rules out that Bildu can be made illegal as Vox has requested and the Madrid president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has also raised. “It does not fit with the Law of Parties”, they have added before the initiative that those of Santiago Abascal have registered so that the Law of Parties is applied and the Congress urges the illegalization of Vox. “Can it be done or not? Toast the just”, the same sources have added.


Faced with the Vox route, PP sources point out that a more feasible route is to modify the Organic Law of Electoral Regime (LOREG) to “require an ineligibility plan for certain people who are on the lists.” “Is it legal for a high school director to have been convicted of pedophilia?” They have asked themselves, adding that this matter must be studied calmly because it affects the Constitution and suffrage.

In the headquarters of the ‘populares’ they have recognized that the possibility of the PP ceding votes to the PSOE in Navarra and Euskadi could be “reasonable” “provided that the Socialist Party undertakes not to agree with Bildu” and “provided that this party is the list with the most votes” because “political suicide is not an option,” according to party sources.

Feijóo’s team considers that Sánchez “has no limits”, “plays with everything” and also seeks to make the PNV “nervous”, another of his partners this legislature. In his opinion, the head of the Executive wants to continue in the Moncloa Palace at all costs, an “unavoidable ambition” that he is willing to carry out even if it means losing the generals.

From the leadership of PP they have flatly rejected that they act by electoral calculation in the controversy of the Bildu lists. “We cannot under any circumstances launder Bildu, who has not done his homework to return to democratic institutions,” said these sources, who have recalled that this party continues to speak of “conflict” and have not helped to clarify the pending murders .


In its non-legal proposal, the PP recalls that the objective of Law 29/2011, of September 22, on the Recognition and Integral Protection of the Victims of Terrorism was to pay tribute to them and express the permanent commitment of Spanish society to all the people who have suffered from terrorism or who may suffer it in the future, “in any of its forms”. This norm, it continues, also says that “the public powers will guarantee, within the scope of their powers, that there are no unfair or neglectful situations towards the victims.”

“And what greater helplessness than allowing those who murdered their relatives or mutilated or destroyed their lives forever, to become representatives of the citizens in their own municipalities. The moral turpitude of those who cause that unbearable pain by placing those people in the electoral lists is unimaginable; but the morality of those who can, do nothing to prevent it, flee from the press so as not to face it, timidly condemn it for electoral tactic, justify it with hackneyed phrases or continue to place the electoral power in their hands is also questionable. governability of Spain”, adds the PP in its proposal.


The PP, which recalls recent statements by former president José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero on the Bildu lists, considers that the PSOE “participates in the strategy of giving them play in the institutions”, despite the fact that almost a thousand people have been murdered and there are 379 crimes pending to be solved.

According to the PP, a democracy like the Spanish one cannot forget “that those who caused so much pain and at no time have shown any repentance, nor have they asked their victims for forgiveness, nor have they collaborated to clarify the pending murders, occupy the democratic institutions as if nothing would have happened.”

“This is an indignity that the democrats must commit ourselves not to tolerate,” proclaims the PP, which has brought this proposal to plenary to “prevent” the governance of Spain from depending on parties that include people in their structures or in their electoral candidacies convicted of terrorism.