MADRID, May 17. (EUROPA PRESS) – Social Security gained an average of 80,795 foreign affiliates in April, 3.2% more than the previous month, with which the fourth month of the year closed with 2,606,683 immigrant workers registered in the system.

With the advance of April, the affiliation of foreigners chains three consecutive months of increases after having gained 30,684 and 59,645 contributors in average values ??in February and March, respectively.

Of the total number of contributing foreigners at the end of April, 55.6% were men and 44.4% women, as reported this Wednesday by the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations.

In seasonally adjusted terms, the affiliation of foreigners to Social Security rose in April by 21,309 contributors, to a total of 2,594,640 employed, 405,000 more than before the arrival of the pandemic, of which more than 250,000 have joined the last year.

As a whole, foreign workers represented 12.6% of the total number of people affiliated to Social Security at the end of April in seasonally adjusted values.

Of the total foreign affiliates at the end of the fourth month of the year, 872,131 came from EU countries (33.5%) and 1,734,551 from third countries (66.5%). The largest foreign employed groups are workers from Romania (344,492), Morocco (329,227), Italy (170,487), Colombia (146,952) and Venezuela (133,782).

In addition, the system has 63,507 affiliates from Ukraine, 16,200 more than in January 2022 (34.8%), before the start of the war waged in the country by Russia.

The majority of workers from Ukraine who work in Spain, around 88.3%, are salaried and 11.6% are self-employed.

In the last year, the average affiliation of foreign workers has increased by 252,169 employed persons, which in relative terms implies a rise of 10.7%.


By regimes, the majority of foreigners fit into the General Regime, which closed April with 2,184,098 foreign affiliates, 83% of the total and 3.6% more than in March.

For its part, the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers (RETA) ended April with 417,335 foreign contributors, 1.2% more than in the previous month. Of them, 15% are of Chinese nationality, followed by Romanians (11%) and Italians (8.9%).

Within the General Regime, the sectors that gained the most foreign contributors in April, in relative values, were the hotel industry (11.4%), artistic activities (3.9%) and Public Administration (3.3%).

The Special Agrarian System (which falls under the General Regime) gained 5.8% of foreigners compared to the previous month, while the Home system added almost 1% more foreign contributors than in March.

By autonomous communities, the average affiliation of foreigners rose in April in all of them. The greatest monthly increases, in absolute terms, occurred in the Balearic Islands (19,818 contributors), Andalusia (16,766) and Catalonia (15,802).