The PP assures that Bolaños “is not invited” to the Puerta del Sol event and accuses him of wanting to “be in the news”

The president of the Community and candidate of the PP for re-election, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, chairs this Tuesday the traditional institutional act of Dos de Mayo, at the Real Casa de Correos, marked this year by the proximity to the electoral campaign and the controversy with the Government for a demonstration at the gates and institutional representation.

The celebration of the Day of the Community of Madrid will begin at 10 am with the floral offering of the Madrid leader to the Heroes of Dos de Mayo, in the Florida cemetery, sources from the regional government have reported.

Ayuso will place a laurel wreath before the tombstone and will attend the surrender of honors by the War Band and the Honors section and a Squad of Spendadores from the Anti-aircraft Artillery Regiment.

At 11 am the celebration will move to the headquarters of the regional Presidency for the delivery of the Community Medal (gold and silver) and decorations of the Order of Dos de Mayo.

Among the 17 winners this year are the singer Dani Martín, Juan Carlos Quer, the footballer Koke and the former Deputy Minister of Public Health Antonio Zapatero. Thus, before some 800 guests and around 200 accredited journalists, Ayuso will preside over the event, present these awards and deliver a closing speech.

The meeting will be attended by the spokespersons of the different parliamentary groups of the Madrid Assembly and of the municipal groups, who are immersed in the middle of the electoral campaign. In addition to the mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, will cover the Madrid leader.

The Executive chaired by Isabel Díaz Ayuso has decided this year not to invite the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, –who did not attend the last appointment–. The only invitation has been sent to the Minister of Territorial Policy and Government spokesperson, Isabel Rodríguez, who has “the powers in relation to the autonomous communities”, regional government sources have informed Europa Press.

Rodríguez has declined to participate and, from the central Executive, they have confirmed that, in addition to the new government delegate, Francisco Martín, the Minister of the Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Democratic Memory, Félix Bolaños, and the Minister of Defense, Margarita Oak trees. According to these same regional sources, the “representation of the Government”, at the protocol level, will fall on Robles.

“He is not invited (…) I have been taught that when I am not invited to a place, I do not go. Unless what I want is to cause trouble. I do not know if that is what the Mr. Bolaños”, transferred the general secretary of the PP of Madrid, Alfonso Serrano, in statements to journalists on Sunday.

They do view the presence of the Defense Minister favorably from the Madrid PP. They consider it an “honor” that she attends the event and emphasize that whenever she has been asked for something from Madrid she “has responded.” In fact, two years ago Ayuso praised Robles’ management during the coronavirus in his speech, even pointing out that this was “a new Manuela Malasaña”.


At 12:30 p.m., at the end of the meeting in the courtyard of the building, the civic-military parade will take place outside, which is recovered after not being able to celebrate last year due to the works on Puerta del Sol. In addition, the authorities They will place a laurel wreath in honor of the heroes of May 2, 1808.

A novelty that is included this year in the celebrations is the installation of two giant screens, 6 meters wide by 3.5 meters wide, on the main façade of the building from Monday afternoon until Tuesday night. The institutional ceremony will be offered live as well as the different cultural and musical performances programmed by the regional government.


Precisely the space dedicated to citizens in Madrid’s Puerta del Sol has been the subject of confrontation this week between the central government, through the Government Delegation, and the Executive headed by Isabel Díaz Ayuso.

The new delegate had initially authorized a concentration of those affected by Metro Line 7B in the area, convened to coincide with the arrival in Sol of the athlete Fernando Caliz after making a return to the Community from San Fernando de Henares in solidarity with the affected.

The Minister of the Presidency, Justice and the Interior, Enrique López, described the decision as “serious irresponsibility” and asked Martín by letter to reconsider the decision, understanding that alternative locations could be proposed in order to reconcile the fundamental right to demonstrate with the activities owned by the institutions.

“The people of Madrid have the right to enjoy the Plaza del Sol that day in its entirety and the protesters also have the right to demonstrate, but Madrid is very large. The Community has 30 public buildings to be able to demonstrate in front of them,” he continued. the counselor.

Finally, the Government Delegation decided to move the concentration to Calle Arenal, specifically in the pedestrian space at the height of the church of San Ginés. It is a street that ends in the square.