The general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, has accused the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, of starting a “frantic electoral campaign” with “five weeks of more lies.” “Five years of ‘sanchismo’ are not going to be erased with five weeks of more lies”, the ‘popular’ leader has sentenced, who has described Sánchez as “the king of lies, arrogance and inefficiency”.

In statements to the media in Olite, Gamarra stated that the balance of Sánchez’s administration is “zero homes”, that “Spain leads youth unemployment in Europe” and that “unemployment is growing and jobs are being destroyed”. . In the case of Navarra, he has said, he has “an unemployment figure that he had not had since 2016.” “This is the reality of ‘sanchismo’: five years of unfulfilled promises, five years of lies that he tries to cover up with five weeks of electoral propaganda that at this point absolutely no one believes.”

Gamarra has criticized that “we have entered into a kind of electoral raffle” in which “he can give you a flat one week or a job the following week” but “there is no flat or job”. Faced with this, he has opposed the policy “from the credibility, solvency and given word” of the PP and Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

He has affirmed that the PP is going to “repeal ‘sanchismo’ in 2023 at the polls” as of May 28 and has remarked that “‘sanchismo’ is also repealed by revealing and dismantling each and every one of the lies that Pedro Sánchez is counting during these five weeks.”

Cuca Gamarra has referred to the Housing Law, which “is not the law that Spain needs” but rather the one that Sánchez ERC, EH Bildu and Podemos have demanded so that “he can continue to maintain his home, which is Moncloa”. A law, he has assured, that “is going to protect the squatter”, that “is going to reduce the offer” and that “is going to affect and slow down the construction sector” on which “millions of Spaniards depend”.

Given this, he stressed that the PP proposes something “totally different” which is to support those who want to access their first home with a 15% complementary guarantee so that “they can really get a mortgage” and “extend rental aid”. He has remarked that “the squatter is evicted and the one who must be protected is the owners” who “have their savings in a second home and who see how, from a policy that encourages occupation, they are seeing that it is in danger” and that “There’s no way to get him out of there.”

On the other hand, Gamarra has valued the “exercise of responsibility” of the Popular Party to reform the law of ‘only yes is yes’. “We have achieved what society was crying out for and that was that, from now on, no sex offender can benefit from a law that only has to have one objective and that is to protect women and minors who are victims of sexual violence.”

Cuca Gamarra has called to “abandon triumphalism” in the face of the “harsh reality of the Spain governed by Pedro Sánchez” where “unemployment, prices, mortgages and debt are rising”. “That is the inheritance that ‘sanchismo’ is leaving us all”, lamented the ‘popular, who has indicated that “we can reverse it with other policies, if the Spaniards want, from the PP project”.

He has reproached the Prime Minister for “presuming management”. Thus, he recalled the “thousand sexual offenders” benefited from the “only yes is yes” law, the “trains that do not enter through the tunnels” or that “‘Tito Berni’ has been the rapporteur for the law against tax fraud “. “Saying that Pedro Sánchez is a good manager is the same as saying that ‘Tito Berni’ is an exemplary parliamentarian”, he has sentenced.

However, he has affirmed that “in what it has been very effective” has been in “responding to the demands of its partners from ERC and Bildu”. “It has been very efficient in managing pardons, in handing them the penal code so that today the crime of sedition is no longer a crime”, to bring “all those convicted of terrorism” closer or in response to “Bildu’s demand that the Civil Guard leaves Navarre”.

“That is not the management that the Spaniards need. The management that the Spaniards need is the one that gives answers to the real problems”, that “makes unemployment fall”, that “prices are contained” and that “gives direct aid so that the mortgages can be assumed by the Spanish”, he defended. “This has not been done by Pedro Sánchez, therefore he is not a good manager, quite the contrary”, he concluded.

The general secretary of the PP has highlighted that the regional leaders of the PSOE “distance themselves from their national leader” because Pedro Sánchez “has become a toxic politician” and “is solely and exclusively to respond and satisfy the demands” of the ERC and EH Bildu. “Those whom the socialist barons now label as undesirable because they want to destroy our country” but “they are with those who are governing Spain and Navarre”, for which “they do not pass the cotton test of truth and word”.