CDP Explorer will have the latest technological data tools and will attract startups, entrepreneurs and students from the technological and scientific sector. It will promote innovation and the dissemination of the best uses of the platform through first-hand experiences shared by specialists in the sector, fostering a networking space. This initiative has had the support of the prestigious CDP Institute Iberia, experts from Skiller Academy training and companies such as Omega CRM

Madrid, March 30, 2023.- CDP Explorer is a Skiller Academy initiative with the aim of being a disseminator for new talent and promoting the data management ecosystem (Customer Data Platform), generating a complementary and enjoyable space to analyze and stimulate the technological trends that are available in the market, from their applicability and, above all, comment on the most successful use cases from those who know this technology best. This week’s session has been led by professionals such as Alejandro Alemany, data teacher

Contact Contact name: Lucía Jiménez Contact description: Contact telephone number: 652 94 72 62