The Government will appeal to various European and international institutions the regional initiatives on Memory, promoted by the PP and Vox coalition governments in Aragon, Castilla y León and the Valencian Community; considering that they are contrary to the values ??included in the Democratic Memory Law approved last legislature by the PSOE and Unidas Podemos coalition Executive.

Specifically, the Government of Pedro Sánchez will raise this issue – “due to its seriousness” – before the Special Rapporteur on Truth, Justice and Reparation and the Rapporteur on Extrajudicial Executions of the United Nations, before the European Parliament and also before the Council of Europe, according to Moncloa sources.

Furthermore, the Government already announced this week that it will appeal to the Constitutional Court if these communities do not withdraw the points from the initiatives that in its opinion violate the spirit of the Memory Law.

At the United Nations, the Government will call on both rapporteurs to evaluate the conformity of these measures “with the best international practices and the international commitments acquired by Spain in matters of Human Rights,” according to the aforementioned sources.

In the European Parliament, they will promote initiatives to be included in the agenda of the plenary session of Parliament for debate and voting by the Group of Socialists and Democrats.

Likewise, in the Council of Europe, they will invoke “the possible violation of several provisions of the Human Rights Convention” and will also promote an urgent debate in the Parliamentary Assembly of this body “to analyze the repeal of the democratic memory laws approved by the communities autonomous regions governed by PP and Vox”.

The Government will also inform the General Secretariat of the Council of Europe and the Commissioner for Human Rights “to inform them of the seriousness of the situation.” Finally, it will ask for the preparation of a report on the situation of democratic memory in Spain in light of the approval of “repeal laws” by the autonomous governments of PP and Vox.