Vice President Calviño will appear on Thursday in Congress to report on the monitoring of European funds


Ciudadanos has registered a proposal in Congress to reform the way of reporting on the management of European funds, so that they are not considered executed only with resolved calls, but when they “reliably” reflect the real impact of European funds on the productive fabric.

In its initiative, to which Europa Press has had access, the liberal group also wants to make the way in which European funds can adapt to different territorial realities more flexible and work with the autonomous communities to facilitate access to information about these resources. by companies and citizens.

This is a motion resulting from an urgent question from Citizens addressed to the First Vice President and Minister of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, Nadia Calviño, during the plenary session last Wednesday.

In addition to demanding more transparency, the group also calls for the integration of prospective studies into the decision-making process on European funds, in order to detect those projects with a greater added value for the Spanish economy and, subsequently, periodic evaluations of impact.

At another point in the Citizens motion, it advocates eliminating “unnecessary” bureaucratic procedures for the access of SMEs and the self-employed to calls for European funds, guaranteeing their participation in projects and providing the necessary technical assistance, in order to better detect the greatest margins for improvement. and positive impact that these funds can have for this type of companies and entrepreneurs.

Finally, Ciudadanos demands, as soon as possible, the interoperability of the information and monitoring systems on European funds between the Government, the different regional governments and the European Commission.

During the urgent questioning that has led to this motion, the first vice president indicated that European funds have already reached a point of “cruising speed”, with an average of public calls of around 2,000 million euros per month, a figure “without precedents” in Spain.

Given the criticism of the Citizens deputy, María Muñoz, due to the lack of companies benefiting from these funds, the minister snapped at the Valencian deputy, who was in charge of defending the interpellation, that there are currently companies in more than 190,000 projects that are being financed with European funds throughout the Spanish territory.

However, the Minister of Economic Affairs will appear next week in Congress precisely to report on the monitoring of these funds.