The PSOE will take a non-legal proposal to the Plenary Session of Congress to analyze the electric and thermal social bonds and determine if the existing discounts are sufficient to maintain adequate protection for the most vulnerable households.

The Socialist Group asks in its proposal, to which Europa Press has had access, that depending on the results of said analysis, “the appropriate measures” be adopted.

The socialist formation has recalled that in Spain various actions have been carried out to fight against energy poverty, among which are the implementation of the electric social bonus and the thermal social bonus, aimed at households in vulnerable situations.

In this context, the PSOE considers that, after several years of experience, it is the opportune moment to carry out an analysis about these social bonds, so that the necessary conclusions can be drawn to promote improvements “that benefit the people who are in a situation of energy poverty.

The electric social bonus consists of a discount on the electricity bill, which can be 25% for vulnerable consumers, a percentage that has increased to 65% in 2023. In turn, the discount is 40% for severely vulnerable consumers. As in the previous case, the discount during 2023 rises to 80% for severely vulnerable users.

With regard to the thermal social bonus, it is an aid program to compensate the thermal expenses caused to the most vulnerable consumers by the use of heating and hot water or cooking.