The President of Peru, Pedro Castillo, sent a message to Peruvian citizens on Wednesday night reiterating his criticism of the Attorney General’s Office for filing a constitutional complaint against him, and warning that there is “a plot” against an elected government democratically at the polls.

“Dear compatriots, the nation is facing difficult times. Serious accusations are repeated, as serious as they are inconsistent, such as the constitutional complaint filed by the nation’s attorney general before Congress against me,” Castillo said in a message on television. Peruvian national, accompanied by his ministers.

The Peruvian president has argued that the constitutional complaint filed by the head of the Public Ministry, Patricia Benavides, is “unconstitutional and illegal,” stating that it lacks objective evidence.

“Faced with this undemocratic situation, I must denounce before the country and the international community that this practice of breaking the constitutional and democratic order, the political forces that plunged the country into the largest process of corruption in national history in the 1990s, are those that now promote, as at that time, a modality of a new coup d’état in Peru”, Castillo highlighted in his message to the nation.

In this sense, the Peruvian president has warned that the opposition wants him to leave, “without having been elected”, while defending that his election as president of Peru “signified the access to power of the provincial social sectors and urban-marginal for the first time in history”.

However, according to Castillo, “money sectors” and traditional politicians “who have always thrived on corruption, are reluctant to accept the will of the people,” which is why they would be resorting to all kinds of means to exert pressure on their Executive. .

“New forms of psychological torture are being used with preliminary arrests and preventive detentions to obtain accusations against me and my government (…). I have experienced it firsthand. My daughter, my wife, my entire family have been attacked Castle added.

“I am not corrupt and I repeat it until the end of my days. However, if some betrayed my trust, let justice take care of them,” he said.

Nevertheless, and despite the attempts to “destroy” the Peruvian president, the Peruvian head of state has reiterated that he will continue in office until July 28, 2026 and that he will not leave before then.

This message takes place a week after the Peruvian attorney general presented before Congress a constitutional accusation against Castillo accusing him of corruption.

According to the Prosecutor’s Office, the president of Peru would be the head of a criminal organization active in the Ministry of Transport and Communications in complicity with Silva, as well as with officials of Provías Nacional and Provías Descentralizado, the Presidential Office and businessmen and third parties, to favor the Puente Tarata III consortium and other companies in public bidding processes.

After this accusation, Castillo affirmed that he is suffering political persecution, while denouncing a “new type of coup.”


The Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS) has scheduled an extraordinary session for this Thursday in order to address the request of the Peruvian Government to activate the Democratic Charter.

For this reason, the OAS has determined in a statement that it will consider “the situation in Peru”, after President Pedro Castillo has asked the organization for help to preserve democratic institutions and the legitimate exercise of power, alleging that the constitutional complaint presented by the Prosecutor’s Office against him is “a new type of coup d’état”.

“In recent months, a succession of events and situations have been occurring in Peru, on the part of the Legislative Power, the Public Ministry and other constitutional bodies, which, in open contradiction with the constitutional provisions and the norms that regulate the separation of powers, (…) they have configured a process aimed at altering democratic order and institutions,” Castillo said in the petition presented to the IAEA.