The police in France has made it illegal Monero Mining Ring to overturn it. The private Bitcoin variant was dug out of the ground by means of Malware on a total of 850,000 infected computers.

By Phillip Horch
On 29. August 2019BTC$9.445,28 -7.22%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The Cryptocurrency Monero (XMR) provides an anonymous Alternative to Bitcoin. As well as BTC, Monero is based on the Proof-of-Work algorithm, however, for commercially available processors optimized Version. In other words: Rather than as is the case with Bitcoin is very elaborate Mining, you can mine XMR on the home computer.

Illegal Monero Mining 850,000 computers

The made in the past to Use hacking to mine sight unseen XMR, however, on third-party computers. By means of a malware infected you Computer, then used independently on the computing power and in the Background, the crypto-currency produced. A Hacker using the computing power of the infected devices to operate crypto-Mining. The Only thing that could be noticed by users, is the suddenly reduced efficiency of the device.

This illegal Monero Mining the French police was advancing now seem to be in a bar. As the British broadcaster BBC reported, was the destruction of a computer infection from the total of 850,000 computers worldwide were affected. Millions of euros are to be the result of damage. As can be seen, the report continued, were the attacks of the French hackers.

the “cyber gendarmes have to get” back in the spring of this year, a note of the Anti-virus company Avast. At the time, it was said that computers in over 100 countries, mainly in Central and South America, had been affected by illegal Monero Mining. The Virus had spread, the attackers are apparently using Spam e-Mails. The content of the E-Mails were of an erotic nature, or promised, to be able to quickly make a lot of money. Likewise, the Virus via USB to have infections spread.

France “cyber gendarmes” to make Monero Mining Virus harmless

After a successful infection, and should not have been the Hacker then only capable of remotely illegal Monero controlled to operate Mining. Rather, they should have data of Israeli hospitals and patients stolen. The author of the illegal Monero mining operated their business for 2016. So far, the authorities were unable to locate them.

As BBC further reported, were the authorities able to identify the Server from which the attacks were carried out. This controlled, in turn, the network of infected computers. Then, the investigators have created, in cooperation with the FBI of a Replica Server, the rerouting of the virus, and thus harmless made.


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