GlobalFoundries, a semiconductor manufacturer, from Kalifronien, sued the suppliers of the Bitcoin-Mining-Chip-manufacturer Bitmain. Therefore, TSMC is said to have significantly violated the patents of GlobalFoundries.

By Phillip Horch
On 29. August 2019BTC$9.445,28 -7.22%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Bitmain is considered to be the largest manufacturer of Bitcoin Mining Hardware. Now his suppliers, the chip manufacturer TSMC to answer to, apparently, before the court. GlobalFoundries, a semiconductor manufacturer in California, has filed against TSMC lawsuit.

Bitcoin Mining is not the best reputation. In addition to the high energy consumption, the “Mining” of the largest crypto-currency demands of market capitalization, there are also centralist tendencies. Because the company operates, together with Antpool, and two of the largest Bitcoin Mining farms in the world. For this, Bitmain is sometimes in the criticism of the Decentralisation Fans. But also your suppliers, TSMC is now the cross-fire of criticism.

The action of Global Foundries

filed So GlobalFoundries is now a lawsuit against the suppliers of Bitmain. The allegation is that semiconductor manufacturing technologies, which are used by the Taiwan Semiconductor manufacturing Company Ltd – short – TSMC -, infringe a total of 16 patents of the Globalfoundries:

filed The complaints today with the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC), the U.S. Federal District Courts in Delaware and the Western District of Texas, as well as the regional courts of Düsseldorf and Mannheim in Germany.

in Short: The manufacture of Bitcoin Mining Chips for Bitmain to have infringed patent rights. GlobalFoundries is seeking with the lawsuit to a court order binds the Import of the affected Chips to Germany and USA. In addition, GlobalFoundries requires “significant damages for the unlawful use of its technology, which is located in the double-digit billion dollars in sales of the Taiwanese company.”

Gregg Bartlett, Senior Vice President, Engineering and Technology at GlobalFoundries, sees in the suppliers for the Bitcoin-Mining Chips, a considerable economic damage. This was to compensate for:

While we have spent billions of dollars for research and development, TSMC harvested the fruits of our investments is unlawful. With our actions we want to prevent the unlawful use of our technology by Taiwan Semiconductor, and so that our European and American works to protect.

TSMC: Bitmain supplier fights back

, however, defends himself against the charge of a technology company. So the Bitmain supplier and manufacturer of Bitcoin writes-Mining Chips, that the allegations are without basis:

As a leader in innovation, TSMC is investing every year billions of US dollars in the independent development of its world leading, state of the art semiconductor manufacturing technologies. […] We are disappointed that [GlobalFoundries] […] attacks on merit lots of complaints back, rather than competing with technology on the market. […] We will fight vigorously and use all opportunities to protect our own technologies.

The technologies involved are directly related to the production of the Mining Chips. A court date has not been set.


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