They took away his license after an accident in which his daughter and his wife died, and he had arguments with his son-in-law because he continued driving.

A 72-year-old man who remained barricaded since Sunday afternoon in a house in Huétor Tájar (Granada) with his two grandchildren, aged 10 and 12, and armed with a shotgun for which he had a hunting license, has killed the minors and subsequently committed suicide, as sources from the Civil Guard have informed Europa Press.

The agents broke into the home around 8:25 a.m. after verifying that there was no movement in the house, at which time the old man took his own life and they found the bodies of the little ones in two different rooms, one of them with gunshot wounds, as stated in statements to journalists by the Government delegate in Andalusia, Pedro Fernández.

Several neighbors alerted 112, around 9:45 p.m., that there were moments of tension and “conflict” at the home between the grandfather and the children’s father, who at one point left the home where Then the old man would barricade himself in with the younger ones.

Sources close to the investigation have told Europa Press that the grandfather’s license was taken away after the accident on March 19 in which his daughter and his wife died, and he was having discussions with his son-in-law because he continued driving.

The same sources specify that it was the children’s father who showed up at the house last night and told the agents about the conflict he had had since the accident with his children’s grandfather, who would not hand over the children to him.

Among other personnel and police forces, members of the Special Intervention Unit (UEI) who arrived from Madrid and have remained stationed next to the home have traveled to the home. A negotiator has maintained constant conversations with the old man to get him to stop his attitude without him having “at any time” left the shotgun that he was carrying in his hands.

What’s more, upon the arrival of the agents he fired two shots into the air from the window to warn that he was armed, which immediately led the Armed Institute to activate the protocol for these cases. Contact was cut around five in the morning, when the man told the agents that he could not continue talking because in a while he had to prepare the children to go to class, Pedro Fernández said.

The agents have been waiting for this milestone to occur, using the technological means at their disposal to listen and make as visible as possible what could be happening inside the home. However, eight in the morning has struck and the little ones have not left to go to school.

“This has been the most complicated moment,” according to the Government delegate in Andalusia, because when they saw that they were not leaving “the decision was made that they had to enter.” It was when the agents entered that the grandfather committed suicide and they discovered the two lifeless minors, each one in a different room and one of them with obvious signs of having been shot.

The investigation indicates, pending an autopsy, that he previously shot one grandson and the other died of asphyxiation, according to sources close to the investigation.

Pedro Fernández has conveyed his condolences to the family members for this “tragic loss” that has left the municipality “absolutely shocked” and has confirmed that both the grandfather and the minors suffered a traffic accident last March in which his wife and mother died. mother of the children. Sources from the Civil Guard have detailed to Europa Press that the accident occurred because the grandfather suffered “respiratory apnea.”