The National Police have arrested a 52-year-old man for allegedly seriously stabbing his partner or ex-partner in the neck this morning in Móstoles, who is in critical condition, a spokeswoman for the Superior Police Headquarters of Madrid.

The event occurred this morning at a home in Móstoles located at number 15 Calle Centro. Specifically, at 6:10 a.m. this Monday, 112 received a call advising of what had happened. It was the 13-year-old son of her wound, who lived with her in her apartment, who found the scene and notified the neighbors, who called 112.

The first to arrive have been the municipal and national police, who have had to break down the door because the alleged attacker would not open it. Upon entering, they found the woman seriously injured, for which she was first treated by the agents, who performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers on her, which were continued by the Summa toilets.

Once recovered from the stop, but with little blood level, she has been referred to the Hospital 12 de Octubre in Madrid, where the woman has been admitted in critical condition and there are fears for her life, a spokesperson for Community Emergencies has informed Europa Press. from Madrid 112.

The policemen arrested the man and are now checking if he is the victim’s partner or ex-partner, a 40-year-old Spanish woman. The arrested man had no record of any kind or any restraining order or complaints of ill-treatment.

A SUMMA112 on-call psychologist cares for the woman’s relatives. The woman’s parents lived in the same building. They have also assisted the child and a sister of the victim, who has immediately arrived at the scene. The National Police has taken over the investigation.