The agents belonging to the Homicide Group of the Organic Unit of the Judicial Police of the Civil Guard of Madrid are investigating whether someone helped transport the confessed author of the triple crime from Morata de Tajuña to that municipality on the day he allegedly perpetrated the murders, they have confirmed to Europa Press research sources.

The agents are taking statements and asking several people in Arganda del Rey to find out if any compatriot or roommate took him by car from that town to the neighboring Morata, a person who could be an accomplice in the homicides, but who would not have participated. in its authorship, according to the same sources.

The arrested person, Dilawar Hussain F.C., a 42-year-old Pakistani citizen who surrendered the night before last at the Arganda barracks, lives in this town with many other compatriots in a house on Army Avenue number 41. According to what he acknowledged to the agents, his victims “They had ruined him” and he “didn’t even have enough to eat,” so he didn’t have a vehicle to get around.

The Civil Guard also wants to know where he got the gasoline bottle with which he allegedly doused the bodies and tried to set them on fire after killing Amalia (71 years old), Pepe (79) and Ángeles G.A. (74 years old). And when the acts were committed, whether before or after Christmas Eve. Also if the detainee had a key with which he would have entered the house or opened the door.

The detainee, who was in the Rivas Barracks yesterday, spent the night in the cells of the Madrid Tres Cantos Command. He is expected to go to court tomorrow, Wednesday, a spokeswoman for the Armed Institute has indicated. For now, there will be no reconstruction of the events today, as originally planned.

Within the framework of ‘Operation Calvary’, the Civil Guard searched the house in Arganda where the confessed murderer lived yesterday afternoon for two hours to gather evidence and find a weapon supposedly used in the crimes. It is a hammer or a blunt element used to beat the three septuagenarian brothers to death. At the moment, it is unknown what they found.

Due to the state of the bodies, the autopsies, which began on Friday, have not yet concluded, and continue today at the Valdebebas Institute of Legal Medicine. The condition of the bodies indicates that they were victims of an ordeal – hence the name of the operation and the fact that they lived on Travesía del Calvario – since they had blows, stabbings and burns.

During the search of the crime scene in Morata on Thursday, the agents found a blank pistol that the brothers had bought to defend themselves against their threats. Furthermore, neither the locks nor the windows of the Morata home where the bodies were found were forced, so investigators suspected from the beginning that they opened the door to someone they knew or someone they knew had the keys.

The arrested person lived for several months with the victims, who had rented or left him a room in the house for more than a year. At first, they had a good coexistence and I even accompanied the elders to carry out errands and purchases. They had met him precisely in the parlor that he ran on Juan de la Cierva Street, where the sisters sent money to their supposed American ‘boyfriends’.

According to some neighbors, they convinced Dilawar Hussain, who went so far as to lend the brothers around 30,000 euros in exchange for returning double that amount over the months, hence the claim for 60,000 euros.

Since this was not the case, and after learning that it was all a love scam, the Pakistani citizen, initially very affable, began to threaten them, going so far as to slap Amelia in January 2023 and tear off an earring from her sister, who did not They denounced him.

Then, on February 23, he attacked Amelia again, this time with a hammer to the head and, when she fell to the ground, he kicked her, which caused her significant injuries. They notified the Police, but the sisters did not want to report them, according to municipal sources. But the agents acted ex officio and the ‘Negro de Morata’ was arrested and after a quick trial, he was sentenced to prison, from which he was released in September.

Despite the conviction, compensation and a 500-meter restraining order on the brothers, Dilawar Hussain tried to contact the sisters by phone and messages, who did not respond to his demands for money back or gave him delays.

Investigators believe that a few weeks ago the Pakistani man couldn’t take it anymore, since he didn’t even have money to pay the rent for his apartment in Arganda, and he went to the sisters’ home in Morata to demand the money again and that was when he attacked them. mortally. Then, he piled the bodies in the living room, doused them with gasoline and tried to burn them unsuccessfully using paper and cardboard.

The arrested person would have confessed that he killed them in December for this debt related to a love scam. From those around the deceased, they have told the agents that seven years ago the sisters had contacted two alleged soldiers, with whom they established a long-distance pseudo-amorous relationship.

After some time, one of the alleged soldiers informed them that the other had died and that he needed a significant amount of money to be able to collect an inheritance of 7 million euros, but in exchange they would have to send them about 400,000 euros “for the administrative procedures.” “.

Since then, one of the deceased began to send money to the account of her American ‘boyfriend’ Edward, who did not stop asking her more and more frequently, demanding that she send him more amounts with various excuses.

Despite the fact that friends, family and bank employees warned them that they had fallen into so-called ‘love scams’, the sisters insisted that the romance was real while they went into debt to satisfy the demands of the supposed lover, going so far as to ask money from several acquaintances.

A few days ago, the neighbors alerted the town council that they had not seen the brothers for a month, who were well known in the municipality because they participated in many social and cultural activities. At first they thought they had gone on vacation, but since they did not respond to calls and messages they were alerted.

On Monday of last week, the Local Police proceeded to carry out the initial judicial proceedings, in coordination with the Civil Guard station in the town. Thus, they began negotiations with the Investigative Court of Arganda del Rey, which sent the judicial order to enter the property, located at Avenida de España number 18.

Thus, at 11:30 a.m. this Thursday, members of the Territorial Judicial Police Team of the Civil Guard of Arganda entered a home, with judicial authorization, finding the three bodies. They were “partially burned, piled up and with traces of blood,” the same sources indicated.

Agents from the Scientific and Homicide Department of the Civil Guard, who are in charge of the investigation, have collected numerous remains and evidence in the house and are speaking with relatives and neighbors of the deceased. The two women had been retired for several years and the brother suffered from a disability.

The house in which they were found was their second residence. They had other homes in Spain, which they could have sold to satisfy the requests of the alleged lover or debtors, something that investigators will have to examine.