They demand improvements in active employment policies and public placement systems


The economists Matilde Mas and Vicente Salas have demanded that the tax reform be resumed and launched again and they see it as “inevitable” that there will be an increase in indirect taxation in Spain, especially in relation to environmental taxes.

The General Council of Economists (CGE) organizes a debate session titled ‘Pending subjects to strengthen the Spanish economy’, in which the director of International Projects of the IVIE and member of the Advisory Council of Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, Matilde Mas, and the professor of Business Organization and former member of the Governing Council and the Executive Commission of the Bank of Spain, Vicente Salas.

For Matilde Mas, it is “fundamental” that this tax reform occurs and that this money be allocated to reduce the public deficit. On his side, Vicente Salas considers that, within the framework of this tax reform, an increase in indirect taxation in Spain will be “inevitable.” “Environmental taxes would be difficult not to increase,” he stressed.

For Salas, one of the issues differentiating Spanish taxation from European taxation is green taxes. “If we want a green economy we have to give signals,” she emphasized.

The president of the General Council of Economists of Spain, Valentín Pich, has also spoken on this issue, who in the presentation of the event has indicated that sooner rather than later the Government will have to address a process of fiscal consolidation.

Pich recalled that the White Paper on tax reform – which was prepared by a Committee of experts on behalf of the Government – “has been sitting in a drawer for a year and a half.” “Why has a tax reform not already been addressed that would simplify the current model, improve it technically and adapt it to the economic and social reality?” asked the president of the economists.

On the other hand, both economists have agreed to warn about the high levels of unemployment in Spain compared to neighboring countries. “The problem of unemployment is the main problem of the Spanish economy, we all agree on that because it affects people and affects their well-being,” said Mas.

Economists have also warned about the country’s productivity problems and propose, among other measures, reducing long working hours and overtime in Spain.

“Many overtime hours are worked that are not efficient and what they do is cover up the possibility of hiring more people and, above all, overtime works against productivity and there are people who are very tired, very exhausted,” said Mas.

Furthermore, the economist has criticized the design of active employment policies, because “they are neither active nor benefit employment”, which is why she believes that they should be changed. In addition, it has called for improving public placement systems, unifying the offers of the national SEPE and the Regional Employment Services, in order to promote territorial mobility and create conditions for a single labor market that contributes to reducing the disparity in participation and unemployment. between autonomous communities.

The president of the General Council of Economists has also applauded the idea of ??unifying the offers of the national SEPE and the Regional Employment Services, in order to promote mobility between territories. “The unification of active employment policies could be one of the measures to take into account in order to prevent our young people from having to go outside our borders to look for work, thus avoiding the drain of talent,” he noted.