Republican Left (ERC), EH Bildu and the Galician Nationalist Bloc (BNG) have proclaimed this Tuesday their no to the Constitution and Monarchy, which they point out as the “heir of the dictatorship” and “fundamental piece of a regime”, in their opinion. judgment, “still represents a lock on the national and social aspirations” of the Catalan, Basque and Galician “nations.”

This is stated in the manifesto that, under the title “Neither monarchy, nor constitution. Democracy. Freedom. Republics”, they have made public coinciding with the coming of age of the Princess of Asturias, Leonor de Borbón Ortiz, and her oath of Magna Carta in Congress.

The signatories of the text, collected by Europa Press, stand as the “voice and feeling” of the people of their communities who “neither recognize nor protect the monarchical regime” which, they emphasize, does not represent “millions of citizens of the rest of towns of the Spanish State”.

In this context, the three pro-independence groups, potential investiture partners of Pedro Sánchez, justify their absence from the act of constitutional compliance, in which neither Junts nor the PNV will participate, and in which only a minimal representation of Sumar will attend.

“The Basque, Galician and Catalan sovereigntist and independence forces will not participate in the umpteenth attempt to perpetuate an archaic, opaque institution that has systematically supported corruption and is contrary to popular interests. We will not participate in the legitimization of the Royal House and its privileges, nor the legitimation of the Spanish Constitution itself, which neither recognizes nor respects the present and future desires of the social majorities of our nations,” they argue.

In his opinion, the Spanish monarchy and its members “constitute one of the greatest exponents of the denial of civil, political and national rights” that, from his point of view, assist their people. They also identify the Crown with “the maximum expression of inequality, privileges and impunity compared to other citizens.”

For this reason, they emphasize that neither the King nor his daughters “have the legitimacy of Catalonia, Euskadi and Galicia” which, consequently, do not recognize “any political or institutional function.” “Imposition and denial have been the only recipe directed from this institution towards our people,” they highlight, using as an example the speech that Felipe VI gave on October 3, 2017 after the independence referendum.

Pedro Sánchez’s potential partners conclude by pointing out that the republican values ??of equality, justice, freedom and democracy “will only come from the break with the monarchical heritage and the regime that emanates from it.” “A real democracy will only be viable through respect and recognition of national and social rights, freedoms and democratic wills of all the peoples and nations of the State,” they conclude.