He asks the PSOE not to agree with the Coalition for Melilla after the elections and to assess “whether it is appropriate or not to continue” with the Mójácar list on 28M

The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has attacked the PSOE this Thursday before the “presumed electoral frauds” in Melilla and Mojácar (Almería) and has demanded that it commit to never agree “never again” with the Coalition for Melilla and that it value “whether it proceeds or not to continue” with the list of the Almería municipality in the elections of May 28. That said, it has opened up to introducing more guarantees in voting by mail, such as requiring identification with the DNI.

“If we have to review to guarantee, when the vote is taken to the post offices, greater identification as the Electoral Board in Melilla has adopted with good judgment, we will have to review it in the coming weeks,” Feijóo declared, alluding to the requirement of the DNI at the time of depositing the vote by mail.

In an act at the Bancaja Foundation in Valencia, together with his candidate for the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, and the candidate for the mayoralty of the city, María José Catalá, Feijóo stated that he believes that in Spain there is “a good democratic system and electoral”, but has recognized that “all the guarantees are few when there are people belonging to political parties that have no principles”.

Feijóo has indicated that they are learning of “regrettable” information about these “alleged electoral frauds” in the autonomous city of Melilla and the municipality of Mócajar. “It is evident that we are facing very serious cases, cases that embarrass us as Spaniards and cases that disgust us as democrats,” he asserted.

After insisting on sending a message of “confidence” in the Spanish democratic and electoral system four days before the appointment with the polls, the head of the opposition has called for “maximum responsibility of the parties behind these frauds.”

“I want to ask the parties that have made these mistakes to be responsible. No one must be demonized as long as each and every one of the mistakes made is not confirmed,” he said, although he immediately acknowledged that “this is not a mistake ” but “it’s a fraud”.

That said, he has asked the PSOE to “break now” with the Coalition for Melilla (CpM) party and to “commit not to agree” with that formation “never again”. Secondly, he has demanded that the Socialists “review well” the list of the Mojácar City Council and assess “whether or not it is appropriate to continue with that list in the municipal elections next Sunday.”


In addition, Feijóo has asked “everyone” to go “to vote en masse” this Sunday in the regional and municipal elections “to benefit democracy.” In his opinion, the best way to send a “message of responsibility” is to “vote en masse on Sunday so that these frauds are not repeated, which, if confirmed, make any Democrat blush regardless of the party they belong to.”

Finally, the leader of the PP has indicated that they are the “party of institutional respect”, which does not “mix” the Government and the institutions and that it has leaders who are in politics “to serve and not to serve themselves”.