The Investigating Court number 5 of Granada has lifted the summary secrecy in the case for the kidnapping on February 21 of the socialist councilor of Maracena (Granada) Vanessa Romero, at the hands of who was still a sentimental partner of the mayor of this town, Berta Linares (PSOE), and has raised the case to the Superior Court of Justice of Andalusia (TSJA) regarding the Secretary of Organization of the PSOE-A, Noel López, the councilor and the Town Planning councilor of this town, as confirmed to Europa Press by judicial sources.

The court has deducted testimony against Noel López, number three of the Andalusian PSOE and former mayor of Maracena, raising the case to the TSJA as he is registered and has done the same with the mayoress of Maracena and the councilor for Urban Planning, Antonio García Leyva, also fourth vice president and deputy of Economy of the Diputación de Granada, given the existence of possible “indications” of their connection in the facts, although it will be the Andalusian high court who decides whether to call them to testify or the next steps to follow, according to the sources. .

The judge has lifted the secrecy of the summary on this case in the last hours after having kept the proceedings secret since the investigation began. From now on, the parties involved in the case may have access to the proceedings conducted, of which only the Prosecutor’s Office had been aware.

The case is investigating the alleged perpetrator of the kidnapping, who remains in provisional prison, notified and without bail for the alleged commission of an illegal detention crime. The kidnapping victim, a councilor for Agenda 2030 of this town, is appearing as a private prosecution.

The kidnapping occurred on the morning of February 21, after the councilor had dropped off her children at school and met the kidnapper, whom she knew because until then he was the couple of the mayoress of Maracena. The defendant allegedly gave as an excuse to get into her car that she had run out of gasoline and once inside the vehicle he threatened her with a gun that the Civil Guard has confirmed was simulated. At one point, he tied the mayor’s hands and feet with ties, covered her head, and forced her to get into the trunk of her vehicle, which she parked in a store in Armilla (Granada) before leaving. leave. She managed to escape and ask for help, after which she reported the facts to the Civil Guard.

The victim, who is a councilor for the Maracena 2030 Agenda and does not appear on the PSOE electoral list in this municipality for the municipal elections on Sunday, testified before the judge that he is investigating the case on March 9, and so have some witnesses, but since the case has been declared secret, the scope of the testimonies has not been disclosed nor what steps have been taken to clarify the facts.

Coinciding with the extraordinary plenary session that the mayoress called to respond to the request for explanations from the opposition groups in the Maracena City Hall on March 1, the councilor’s husband told the media that his wife and Berta Linares ” they did not get along” and although he refused to delve into the hypothesis that this kidnapping could be linked to an alleged corruption plot in the City Council that she wanted to uncover, he did say that his wife had “papers” and feared “retaliation”.