He says that “the best thing to do” is to read the texts and not consider laws approved that have not yet been approved in the CCAA.


The president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, valued this Friday the UN report that urges Spain to preserve historical memory in the face of the concord laws of PP and Vox: “We are not going to forget either the dictatorship or the terrorist group “ETA. Furthermore, he has said that “the best thing to do” is to read the texts and not consider laws approved that “are not yet approved” in the CCAA.

This has been stated after the UN has urged the Government of Spain to “take the necessary measures” to preserve historical memory in the face of the concord laws processed by PP and Vox in Aragón, the Valencian Community and Castilla y León, alleging that can “invisibilize” the “serious violations of Human Rights” committed during the “Franco dictatorial regime.”

In statements to journalists before the Dalí Museum in Figueres (Girona), the head of the opposition has contrasted his position with that of the socialist Executive, after the PSOE agreed with Bildu on the memory law. “Unfortunately, the Government has a commitment to Bildu. We cannot speak of a terrorist group. We, yes,” he emphasized.

Feijóo, who appeared alongside the PP candidate for the European elections, Dolors Montserrat, and the provincial president and number 1 for Girona in the Catalan elections, Jaume Veray, said that, in response to the report, “the best that can be “do” is to read the texts and not consider approved laws that have not yet been approved.

“For the Popular Party, Franco’s 40 years have been a dictatorship and ETA has been a terrorist group. This is what the laws intend and is our commitment to historical memory,” he added.

The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, already announced before the general elections of July 23 that if he arrived at the Moncloa Palace he would repeal the memory law and this was included in his electoral program.

“We will promote, repealing the so-called law of democratic memory, a new consensual norm that reinforces the democratic principles and national reconciliation that founded the constitutional pact during the Transition, as well as the democratic coexistence of a society, the Spanish one, that aspires to justice and the recognition of the truth,” says the PP program.