“What Milei has done is more or less what Sánchez has been doing against me or against Mrs. Ayuso,” says the PP leader.

The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, accused this Monday the head of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, of trying to “polarize” political life, citing as the latest episode the clash with the president of Argentina, Javier Milei. After marking distances with both leaders, he has reproached the president of the Spanish Government for continuing without explaining the activities of his wife, Begoña Gómez, warning that “something strange is happening”, given that this had never happened “in 45 years of democracy.” “.

In an interview on Telecinco, which was reported by Europa Press, Feijóo pointed out that Milei “made reference to a summary that is in Plaza de Castilla where possible decisions or actions by the wife of the President of the Government are being investigated.” “It is also evident that never, in 45 years of democracy, has any partner of the current Prime Minister had any problem in court,” she stated.

Feijóo, who has asked to wait to see what “the judge says” and “how these proceedings develop”, has acknowledged that it would be “good” to regulate that the wife or husband of the person who occupies the presidency of the Government “declare their activities and his assets at the beginning of the mandate”, something that, in his opinion, would help “to avoid repeating what the wife of the current president of the Government has allegedly done”.

Next, he stressed that it is “nonsense” to compare this case with the one that affects the partner of the Madrid president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, who “does not hire or act in relation to her partner.” However, he added that Sánchez “has not yet clarified exactly why he has done what he has done in the rescue of an airline company – Air Europa – whose directors did know the couple of the President of the Government and had financed an alleged professorship”.

“And it has not clarified to us why the wife of the President of the Government has written a series of letters to benefit some companies that have been awarded public contracts in the central Government,” he stated, adding that “something strange is happening when In 45 years of democracy there has never been a couple of a President of the Government in the situation in which they find themselves” Begoña Gómez.

When asked if this regulation of the role of the partner of a president of the Government of Spain should also be extended to regional presidents, Feijóo pointed out that Spain is one of the countries that “has these matters most regulated” because the declarations of activities are public. and conflicts of interest are regulated by law. “But it’s okay to try to go one step further,” he added.

When asked what he thought when he heard Milei’s words this Sunday, who called Sánchez’s wife “corrupt”, he said that he thought that “this was the answer” to what the Minister of Transport, Óscar Puente, had said when accused the president of Argentina “of taking substances, that is, of taking drugs.” In his opinion, what should have been done “from the first moment was to dismiss the minister of Sánchez’s Government.”

“And I thought that what Milei has done is more or less what Sánchez has been doing against me or against Mrs. Ayuso. He told me that I was president of the party as a consequence of the corruption of my party. To Mrs. “I told Ayuso that I lived in a house paid for with corruption,” he exclaimed.

In that sense, he assured that what is happening in Spain is that the Government “is polarizing political life, regardless of whether it has replicas in the diplomatic sphere.” “I do not agree with what my Government is doing, which is nonsense, nor with the response that Mr. Milei has given to the Government of Spain,” he emphasized.

When asked if he believes that the response of Sánchez’s Executive has been exaggerated, Feijóo has acknowledged that there has been an “overreaction” because the Government “knew perfectly well that it should have dismissed a minister who seriously insults” the president of Argentina. What’s more, he recalled that the Government “did not attend Mr. Milei’s inauguration” and “left King Felipe VI accompanied by a Secretary of State.”

“Therefore, it is evident that there is an interest in polarizing, in victimizing oneself. The Socialist Party is very interested in talking about the Vox program, and Vox is very interested in talking about the PSOE’s electoral program,” he stated, adding that the PP What he wants is to talk about the problems of the citizens.


After the shooting of the president of Slovakia and the political climate that is being seen at the moment, in the midst of the European election campaign, Feijóo has assured that he has “traceability” after “almost three decades” of management and has added that he has come to the PP “to add.” “They have not kicked me out of my party,” he added, to emphasize that neither he nor his family have had “any problem in any court.”

Next, he assured that the President of the Government has spoken of “building a wall to divide the Spaniards”, “coined the term fachosfera”, spoke of “hoaxes”, “called the judges fachas in toga” and intends “establish a kind of censorship” with the media, steps that, in his opinion, show a “tremendously dangerous anti-democratic tic.”

When asked about the fact that the PP is not blameless in this case either and if he has ordered that these types of intimidating attacks stop, Feijóo stated that the PP is “to defend the independence of the Judiciary” and “the freedom of expression”. “And of course, when we make a mistake, we have to rectify it. And if there is any inappropriate comment, of course, it is void,” he admitted.

That said, he has indicated that the PP will take to the streets again next Sunday, May 26 in Madrid to defend freedoms, making it clear that freedom of the press and judicial independence “are basic and essential factors.” “And unfortunately what we are experiencing now we have never experienced before. We have never seen a Government that singles out journalists; we have never seen ministers who are constantly insulting specific journalists on Twitter,” he indicated.

When then asked about the messages from Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s chief of staff to journalists, the president of the PP indicated that “he has clearly had the opportunity to explain this matter.” “And I think he has explained it in quite detail,” he added, to once again put the focus on Sánchez’s Executive because “a Government is there to guarantee freedoms, not to restrict them.”

Finally, Feijóo highlighted that “a judge is investigating the Socialist Party”, “advisors and ministers” of that party, and “the partner of the President of the Government”, something that, in his opinion, requires explanations from the President of the Government. instead of “insulting and delving into victimization.”