Encourage participation on 9J: “Sánchez is the past”


The president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, this Sunday encouraged participation and “a huge splash” in the European elections. Thus, he has said that in the face of “the insults to all those who do not think like them, we are going to respond with democracy, with the ballot boxes and by winning the European elections.”

Furthermore, he stressed that “the municipal elections were a new beginning for the PP as the leading force in Spain and the European elections could be the new beginning for the change in Spain. For this reason, he said that from 9J onwards, many can be changed.” things”.

“There is only one way for the Government to listen to us, by defeating it, and there is only one way to win these elections, through the PP.” “If we concentrate, we will win. And of course we know how to do it,” as “we have done in most communities, city councils and in the general elections.”

“We are going to say clearly, enough is enough, we are going to start talking about the future. And when politicians represent the future, they win the elections and when politicians represent the past, they lose the elections. And Sánchez is the past in Spain,” asking go “forward, stop looking back, dividing, fragmenting, living off confrontation, you can’t live off of that, that’s not the future,” he added.

“The vote is the answer, the answer to inequality, to deception, to selfishness, the answer to the division of the wall, to the political and economic corruption that the government and its party are having, the answer to the lack of interest in the people , to the problems, to the null housing policy, the response to the illegal squatting of our homes, to the primary sector, the response to the increase in taxes and waste… the response to what the Government does not want to hear, of the Spain that we want, of the Spain that we deserve to be”.

On the other hand, he has stressed that “the municipal elections were a new beginning for the PP as the leading force in Spain and the European ones can be the new beginning for the change of Spain”, he has pointed out and has stressed that “we are here, to give the answer to the situation in Spain democratically at the polls, this is how we understand politics”.

He pointed out that the 9J elections “call us all”: “We are going to speak out about our common future, about the place with the most freedom, the most rights, the most prosperity and the greatest well-being in the world, which is Europe.” but they are also “the opportunity for millions of Spaniards who are waiting to express their opinion.”

“For many years we have been suffering from the opposite of what was committed, the opposite of what was voted, the opposite of equality, the opposite of freedom, the opposite of dignity, the opposite of what Spain is and what it has to be. “, which “is the Spain of 48 free and equal million,” he added.

This was stated by Feijóo, who participated in Malaga in the event ‘The Spain that works, which was attended by some 5,000 people according to the organization, together with the president of the regional PP and the Regional Government of Andalusia, Juanma Moreno; the president of the PP of Malaga, Patricia Navarro; the mayor of the city, Francisco de la Torre, and the number two candidate of the PP for the European Parliament, Carmen Crespo.

During his speech, Feijóo said that “we have come to take another step. We are here to reaffirm the commitments we acquired then, not to make excuses like the PSOE for having failed to fulfill all of them,” he said and insisted that “we are here to tell the Spaniards that we are going to continue building a nation and not auction off what we believe is equality and the interest of all of Spain’s neighbors.”

“We are here to serve the people,” he said and asked for “less arrogance, less division, less insult, more humility and more collaboration.”

Feijóo has also assured that they are “with a clear conscience” because “we exercise governments responsibly and not from an attempt to confront each other and try to tell people ‘with me or against me’.”

In short, he maintained, “we are here with the satisfaction of having fulfilled our duty” and “we are here to get even more involved in serving the Spanish people, whether at the local, regional or national level, whether from the government or from the opposition.” “.

On the other hand, he has warned that “during all this time of lies, privileges, concessions and decadence, attempts have been made to corner all those who oppose the Government” and he has assured that the PP “is here” ” before those who want dependent institutions according to their conveniences”.

On the other hand, Feijóo has said that “every neglected Spaniard can demand the treatment he deserves, that the voice of the street be heard, the voice of the countryside, the voice of farmers, ranchers, fishermen, the voice of women and young people,” asking people to go vote, “to say what they want, to not be afraid of the Government, to say, to act, to vote and to decide.”

In addition, he has asked that a vote be taken thinking about the water that “is surplus in some places and missing in others.” “Water is not the heritage of the socialist Government. Water is the heritage of all Spaniards,” warning that “they have been confronting the territories for five years” and “without doing anything” only “tensioning.” Precisely, regarding water, Feijóo has committed to promoting the European Water Pact and that drought is decisive for the right to European funds.”

Likewise, he has vindicated, “in the face of setbacks in democratic quality”, the Constitution. “We are the only state party at this time.”

He has insisted that “we are trying to lift up Spain from the town councils and from the autonomous communities that we govern.” “At this moment, the Government of Spain resides in the city councils and the autonomous communities”, stating that “the current Government of Spain is the weakest, most fragmented and most dependent Government in the entire democratic history of Spain”, regretting that He says it “with concern.”

Feijóo has insisted that “this country has a remedy, it is the Government that does not have it”, asking not to confuse the executive with the country, since if this is done, “which is what the Government intends, we would leave here frankly disappointed.” , but everything comes out.”

Finally, Feijóo said that “there are solutions” and has also referred to the mobilization of May 26 in Madrid and that “the great demonstration of the Spanish people” must be held on June 9 to “decide their future and the of his country,” he concluded.