“The Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia will decide from Catalonia”


The PSC candidate for the Catalan elections, Salvador Illa, has stated that he will not agree with Junts after the elections: “It is obvious. They exclude themselves, because their logic is the logic of the lost decade and my logic is that of a Government strong. They are incompatible logics.

“They bet on the blockade. Puigdemont is blocked and it’s a lost decade,” he said at the conference ‘Unir i servir’. Proposals for the third great transformation of Catalonia’ organized this Friday by the Barcelona Economic Society of Friends of the Country.

Illa has maintained that there could be two surprises in the 12M: the one he would like, which is a majority and enough strength to be able to govern, and the other is “that the Catalan Vox, (Ílvia) Orriols, enters the Parliament and a part of the independence movement towards a worrying drift”.

Asked if he sees himself becoming president of any of the pro-independence candidates, in reference to Pere Aragonès (ERC) and Carles Puigdemont (Junts), he stated that “frankly, no.”

In addition, he assured that he will not be asked from Madrid to invest in Aragonès or Puigdemont, and concluded: “The Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia will decide from Catalonia”.