James Costos, former United States ambassador to Spain and Andorra, has submitted his resignation as a director of Grifols, alleging that his professional commitments do not allow him to dedicate the time necessary to carry out his position.

According to the documentation of the shareholders’ meeting that the hemoderivatives firm has called for next June 14, on second call, Costos presented his resignation through a letter dated May 3 and will take effect before the start of the shareholders’ meeting. .

“The resignation is motivated by the fact that his term as a director expires this year (October 9, 2024) and because his professional commitments do not allow him to dedicate the time necessary to carry out his position as a director at Grifols,” the company emphasizes.

According to the agenda of the meeting, Grifols will submit to the shareholders’ approval the ratification of the appointments by co-option of Nacho Abia and Albert Grifols Coma-Cros and their re-election as directors for a period of four years.

It is also expected to approve at the meeting the appointments, as independent directors and for a period of four years, of Claire Giraut and Anne-Catherine Berner.

Likewise, Grifols will submit to the board the re-election of Deloitte as auditor of its individual accounts for a period of three years, starting January 1, 2024, therefore including the audit of the individual annual accounts for the years that will be closed. as of December 31, 2024, December 31, 2025 and December 31, 2026, inclusive.