Former US President Donald Trump’s legal team has accused former porn actress Steffany Clifford, known as ‘Stormy Daniels’, of fabricating the story of sexual relations between the two and the subsequent bribery to make money.

“If the story wasn’t true, I would have written it much better,” said ‘Stormy Daniels’ during his speech in court, as published by the American network CNN.

During the session, Trump’s lawyers have tried to discredit the former porn actress through inconsistencies in some small details of her statement, while she has defended the veracity of the facts at all times.

The Prosecutor’s Office accuses Trump of 34 crimes for alleged document falsification, within a plot with which he would have tried to hide the payment of $130,000 to Stormy Daniels to buy her silence and not talk about the extramarital relationship they had within the framework of the 2016 election campaign.

In May 2011, Clifford agreed to tell her story to a magazine in exchange for $15,000, although she herself explained in a 2018 interview with the CBS television program ’60 Minutes’ that a man threatened her while she was walking. with her daughter to a gymnastics class and decided not to do it.

Trump’s emergence into politics five years later led to the dusting off of the scandals that had accompanied the magnate during his long public career. The porn actress ended up signing a $130,000 confidentiality agreement in exchange for not revealing this alleged extramarital relationship with the mogul and she claimed that she did it because she feared for his safety.