The screenwriter, comic artist and film director, Marjane Satrapi, who was named this Tuesday the Princess of Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities 2024, has assured that she is “very angry” with Josep Borrell, High Representative of the European Union for Politics Foreign, for his words towards Iran.

“I am very angry with Josep Borrell, if I had him in front of me I would slap him because I think what he is doing is not right at all,” Satrapi said in a press conference with the Spanish media.

The award-winner has criticized that Borrell does not consider Iran a “terrorist” state, alluding to his words on April 24, about the inclusion of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization in the EU because “it would have no practical effects” .

“The day this State (Iran) is really recognized as a terrorist State… Unfortunately, Josep Borrell says that the Guardians of the Revolution are not a terrorist organization. I will say that Iran is carrying out many wars in Iraq, Yemen or Syria. All these terrorist groups would not function without the help of Iran. What evidence do they need? He explained.

In relation to religion, Marjane Satrapi has pointed out that the problem is the “fanaticism” of religions because “people are prevented from speaking and reflecting.” “Religion aims to provide answers, rather than ask questions. When this is taken to the extreme, fanaticism is based on emotion and you press the button and everything explodes,” she said.

The screenwriter has insisted that the awards give visibility to convey peaceful speeches and pressure politicians to take action. “An award puts the focus on the problems and this focus, through the media, will be read by the citizens, who are public opinion and which is what forces politicians to make decisions. A politician will never go against public opinion and will act along those lines,” he stated.

In this sense, he has highlighted the “weight” of Western public opinion in Iran because “when the West talked about Iran, no one was killed, but when there is no talk, the executions begin.” “In Iran they are afraid of the word of the West and of the finger being pointed at them. But Europe, instead of condemning them, last November made the Islamic Republic of Iran president of the United Nations Human Rights Forum. United. Nobody from Iran would ask the West to go to make the revolution, but at least they ask for the recognition that there is a movement with 85 percent of people who do not want that dictatorship,” he lamented.

In addition, he has warned about the arrival of a new Cold War between America, Russia and China that is “drifting.” “It is important that Europe is strong and united. Every time a country enters that democratic bloc it is important because we are all stronger,” she indicated.

On the other hand, Satrapi has referred to the important role that women play in the Iranian revolution and has assured that “Iran’s tomorrow passes through the Iran of women.” “The feminist revolution can only go anywhere if it includes women because last year more than 800 people were executed,” she said.

“When half of society does not have its rights, then nobody has them, neither the communist has rights, nor the ethnic minorities have their rights, religious minorities, homosexuals, that is, nobody, nobody has rights, because in reality, in that apartheid, women are the strongest group because they represent 50% of a society,” he emphasized.

Likewise, she has stated that we must go against patriarchy because “it goes against freedom” and adds that girls must be taught that, above all, women are also human beings. “They have to understand that genetically we are not superior or inferior to anyone, and that a woman is capable of using violence, being cynical or manipulative like any human being,” she commented.

Asked about the dedication of the award addressed to rapper Toomaj Salehi, sentenced to death, Marjane Satrapi highlighted that the singer is “the voice of Iran” because he sings about all social classes and praised his calls for “unity.” “He has remained standing, he has done everything. He is a kid whose jaw and leg have been broken. If they want to execute him, they want to execute Iran,” she added.