Oryzon Genomics will submit a long-term incentive plan for the 2023-2025 period for the approval of its shareholders meeting next June for managers and key personnel, including its executive president.

As reported by the biopharmaceutical company to the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) this Monday, the meeting will be held, foreseeably, on June 26 on second call, exclusively online.

In addition to the incentive plan for managers, Oryzon’s meeting agenda includes the review and approval of the 2022 annual accounts and the company’s management report; the application of its results; the re-election of the company’s auditors and the annual report on the remuneration of the directors corresponding to the financial year 2022, among other matters.

The biopharmaceutical registered net losses of 4.2 million euros during the year 2022, 9.7% less compared to the ‘red numbers’ registered in 2021, as reported to the CNMV last February.

The company then stressed that this result was in line with the specificity of the biotechnology business model, in the development phase in which the firm is, with a long-term maturation period for its products, and without recurrences since the income perspective.

The company intensified its investments in R&D in 2022 to reach a figure of 16.9 million euros, which represents an increase of 30% compared to the previous year. Said investments in R D corresponded to 15.7 million in development activities and 1.2 million in research activities.