The candidate for EH Bildu’s lehendakari, Pello Otxandiano, has stated that this Sunday we are “facing the opportunity for a change that leaves outdated policies behind.”

The candidate for the sovereigntist coalition went to vote at 10:00 a.m. at the Otxandio public school (Bizkaia), where he was received with applause and shouts of “ari, ari, ari, Pello lehendakari.”

After thanking the representatives and auditors of EH Bildu for the work carried out at the polling stations, he warned that this Sunday is “a splendid day to launch a political change in this part of the country.”

“We are facing an opportunity, a change that leaves behind policies that are outdated, ways of doing politics that must be overcome, an inertia that must be reversed. We have the possibility that they continue or stop doing the same thing,” he maintained. .

Likewise, he has defended that the “guarantee” for the change to occur is represented by EH Bildu, which is why he has called for participation.