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– Foundry 415 Innovation Group launches Startup BoostCamp, a workshop series to accelerate startup growth and success

SAN FRANCISCO, May 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Foundry 415 Innovation Group has introduced its new Startup BoostCamp workshop series designed to empower startups with the knowledge and strategies they need to overcome the most common challenges to scale and achieve success in the US market.

Startup BoostCamp workshops focus on the main obstacles to growth at scale and entry into the US market:

Market saturation: In saturated markets, differentiation is key. Startups need innovative approaches to stand out from the competition. Pancrazio Auteri leads our “Product Management” series, where participants will learn how to refine and optimize their product positioning at scale.

Access to capital: Obtaining financing for international expansion can be difficult, especially for startups without extensive track records or networks in target markets. Oliver Spalding’s Fundraising Playbook workshops offer step-by-step guidance to prepare and execute the fundraising process with confidence.

“ Blueprint for Building a Successful US Sales Organization – With VC fundraising down 25-30% in 2023, startups looking to secure funding in 2024 must demonstrate a strong traction and sales progress. In this series, Gary Gilchrist shares insights on how to grow your sales story and operations, as well as how to recruit top talent with the right skills and cultural fit for new markets.

“Pitch Like a Pro”: Up your startup communications game with seven targeted modules led by experienced entrepreneurship educator, Sandra Miller. Master the art of crafting and delivering compelling presentations for investors, corporate clients, and pitch event judges. Learn the critical presentation elements, discover which slides are crucial, and maximize your impact on Demo Day. Handle questions and comments with confidence and use our checklist to prepare for your next presentation.

Startup BoostCamp equips startups with practical skills and strategies to meet the challenges of scaling and entering the US market. Whether you need help with product management, fundraising, or building sales infrastructure, our expert-led workshops provide the tools to drive growth and success.

To learn more about Startup BoostCamp workshops and profiles of our expert instructors and to register, visit www.theboostcamps.com/startupboostcamp

**Contacto:**Katie WhitcraftStartup BoostCamp info@theboostcamps.com

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View original content: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/foundry-415-innovation-group-lanza-startup-boostcamp-302148780.html