– Huawei and Shaanxi Coal Company Demonstrate the Efficiency of Their World-Leading “5G Industrial Internet” Smart Mining Solution

YULIN, China, April 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The smart mining solution powered by 5G and industrial internet that was jointly developed by Huawei and Shaanxi Coal Industry Co., Ltd. (Shaanxi Coal Company) has reached its one-year milestone , marking a full year of continuous operations. The solution has leveraged technologies such as 5G, cloud computing and artificial intelligence, as well as related digital applications, to significantly improve production efficiency and operational safety at Shaanxi Coal Company’s mines. This makes a powerful case for smart upgrading for the global mining industry and provides a reference for applying the Industrial Internet in other industries.

The solution has integrated ICT technologies into every step of the coal mining process to eliminate silos and enable data sharing. This supports intelligent collaboration between safety assurance, production, operation, energy conservation, environmental protection, and other systems, and has improved efficiency during geological exploration, tunneling, mining, and more. The solution is also the first of its kind to use an industrial Internet platform with a three-tier architecture from the Shaanxi Coal Company, its mining subsidiaries and the coal mines themselves. This platform has enabled collaborative management and control, intelligent detection and efficient decision making.

Xu Jun, CTO of Huawei Mine BU, said Huawei has worked with Shaanxi Coal Company’s Hongliulin Coal Mine and Xiaobaodang Coal Mine to develop new practices and applications that meet the specific requirements of coal production. In this process, Huawei has drawn on the experience it has accumulated in 5G, AI, cloud, big data and other technologies, as well as its ability to integrate global resources. This partnership has created a new smart mine benchmark for the industry. In particular, the smart mining solution can build virtual mines that act as digital twins of physical underground mines, generating greater value from the massive amounts of data being mined in a more secure and efficient manner.

As a result, the Hongliulin coal mine now has 18% fewer workers working underground. In addition, 97.7% of mine faces now support smart mining, and smart management has been made possible for the underground mine face through 5G video splicing and video calls. More than 2,700 sets of equipment at the mine are now interconnected using unified data standards, with 170 million pieces of data transmitted to the data lake every day. This data has been used to create more than 100 digital models. This data can also be used to inform production and operation decision making and develop new digital applications using “zero code” development tools.

The Xiaobaodang coal mine has also used 5G and other technologies to enable intelligent mining processes, equipment and management, significantly improving operational safety and production efficiency. Underground mine labor is reduced by 42%. Key mine facilities, such as underground water pump rooms and substations, have achieved smart, unattended operations, thanks to machine patrol inspection and video-based collaboration. In terms of production safety, environmental monitoring devices can autonomously detect and issue warnings related to gas accumulation, fire, flood, ventilation problems, and geological events, and enable real-time data interconnection. This can support more informed decision making to greatly improve mine safety management.

Xu said, “Industrial Internet is the foundation of smart mines. Huawei Mine BU is committed to working with partners and mining companies to bring digital technology to every mine and build smart mines with industrial Internet faster.” To achieve this goal, he explained, Huawei is working to provide digital services to major coal and metal mining companies around the world to enable safer and more efficient intelligent mine management with fewer personnel working underground.

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