The average price of rentals is close to 1,150 euros, while the monthly payment of a mortgage does not reach 700 euros


The effort to pay the rent represents on average 42.67% of the salary of a citizen in Spain in 2023, which is 0.78 percentage points more than the previous year, while the effort to pay a mortgage is reduced by half a point in an interannual rate, up to 25.94% this year, according to data from the latest iAhorro Financial Effort Barometer.

The director of Mortgages at iAhorro, Simone Colombelli, has explained that the “slight decrease” in the effort that citizens make when paying mortgages is due to the “increase” that has occurred in the average income of households and to that the amount of loans requested has also decreased, while in the case of rent “prices are rising without the option of getting cheaper.”

Thus, with regard to the average rental price and the average monthly mortgage payment, despite the fact that there are large differences between autonomous communities, the amount that Spaniards pay on average to rent a home in Spain is already 1,145 .52 euros per month, 7.4% more than the figure recorded a year ago.

For its part, the average monthly amount of a mortgage, although it has also increased, has done so to a lesser extent, with an increase of 3.41%, up to 696.27 euros.

The highest mortgage payments continue to be seen in the Balearic Islands (1,257.18 euros) and the Community of Madrid (1,039.26), the only autonomous communities that exceed a thousand euros in average monthly payment for loan payments.

For their part, the regions with the lowest quotas are also, as in 2022, in Murcia (384.37 euros), La Rioja (417.27 euros) and Extremadura (418.95 euros).

Thus, the greatest increase in mortgage prices was experienced in the Balearic Islands, with an increase of 19.23% from the average payment registered last year, up to 1,257.18 euros. They are followed by Asturian mortgages, with an increase of 16.51% in the average installment, up to the current 521.47 euros.

In third place is Extremadura, which despite continuing to be one of the regions with the lowest average quota, rose from the last place in the ranking, with 369.44 euros per month on average, with an increase of 13.40 %.

For its part, the only decreases occurred in Aragón, which has registered a drop of 13.89%, to the current 507.21 euros; in Murcia, where a decrease of 5.47% has been registered in the average monthly payment; and in Navarra and the Canary Islands, which do not exceed 1% decrease: 0.9% less in the regional community, to the current 613.08 euros, and 0.67% less in the Canary Islands, to 532, 75 euros.

Regarding rental prices, it is observed that the increase in rents occurs in all the autonomous communities compared to the previous year, so there is no community in which it is more profitable to rent.

Thus, the highest average rental price is recorded in the Community of Madrid (1,513 euros on average), followed by Catalonia (1,425 euros), the Balearic Islands (1,315 euros) and the Basque Country (1,257 euros).

Regarding the increases, the Balearic Islands are where the average rental price rose the most, with an increase of 16.59%, up to the current 1,315 euros. They are followed by the Canary Islands, with an increase of 12.66%, up to 995 euros in 2023; Catalonia and Madrid, since in both places there is an increase of almost 12%, up to 1,425 euros for Catalonia and up to 1,513 euros in Madrid.

At the opposite extreme, among the communities with the lowest prices are Extremadura (517 euros) and Castilla-La Mancha (556 euros), which are also the regions where the increase was slightest in the last year, with 3.99 % and 4.27%, respectively.

Therefore, from iAhorro they have pointed out that “there is no region in which it is more profitable to rent than to buy” and, only in the Balearic Islands is the financial effort that its residents have to make when buying and renting similar, since that there this percentage exceeds 40% in both cases.

Likewise, where the least differences are seen between paying a rent or a mortgage is in Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y León and Extremadura, which do not exceed five percentage points between one effort and another.

In the rest of the regions there are more differences, even reaching 21.45 percentage points of distance between the effort involved in renting and buying. This maximum disparity is in Catalonia, where its inhabitants allocate, on average, 47.30% of their salary to pay rent and 25.84% to pay the mortgage. They are followed by the Canary Islands, where the difference is 20.13 percentage points.

For Colombelli, these differences between communities are explained by the “great dichotomy” between highly stressed housing areas, such as Madrid, Catalonia or the island autonomies, with respect to other communities where “this problem does not exist.”

“In all cases, rental and purchase, the only solution is to increase the supply of housing, something that is neither automatic nor quick, but is essential,” he added.