Vicente Vallés foresees that the debate will condition the campaign and Ana Pastor highlights that “it is a ‘Champions’ night for politics”

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and the leader of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, will debate face to face this Monday, July 10 at 10:00 p.m. at Atresmedia on the Economy; social policy and equality; pacts and governance; State, institutional and international policies.

The duration of the debate will be 100 minutes, although “it will not be mathematical”. “They will be able to play, it is not a rigid debate, they will be able to decide if a block lasts more or less,” the co-director of the debate Cesar González Antón assured this Friday, during the face-to-face presentation.

The two main candidates for the presidency of the Government will be sitting face to face, without cell phones or electronic devices, and both will have a golden minute without interruptions to close the debate. Sánchez will be the first to have the golden minute without interruptions to close the debate and immediately afterwards it will be the turn of the president of the PP.

A few meters from the socialist leader and the popular will be the moderators of ‘Face to Face. El Debate’, Vicente Vallés and Ana Pastor, who will introduce the topics and “favor the debate” with their questions.

The President of the Government will be in charge of opening the face-to-face, while the leader of the Popular Party will be in charge of closing the debate, which is co-directed by Santiago González and César González Antón. However, the president of the PP will be the first to arrive at the Atresmedia facilities to participate in the debate.

“It is very likely that the things that happen in the debate will condition what happens in the campaign,” warned Vallés, who was “expectant” and “excited” to be able to participate “from the field of moderators in a debate where the protagonists are the candidates”: “Ana and I have moderated several debates together, the first in 2015, the four-way debate.”

The journalist believes that at this time face to face is a debate “of special interest.” “We provide a service for citizens so that they can see in those 100 minutes the proposals that each of the candidates have and how they confront them”, he specified.

Along the same lines, Ana Pastor has indicated that the moderators will be able to “ask questions so that the topics appear in the debate.” “It’s a ‘Champions’ night for politics. Atresmedia’s tradition is highly inspired by the Anglo-Saxon world, pretending that they are the protagonists,” she said.


“We feel free to raise the debate so that they can touch on the issues that people are most interested in. We want them to be the protagonists, that it be a debate between them and where journalists are journalists,” the communicator added. .

Atresmedia, as explained by the co-director of the debate Santiago González, will offer programs prior to the face-to-face between Sánchez and Feijóo on all its channels. “It’s been very hard work so that everything is in order, so that the spectators experience the main proposals up close. It is the only opportunity to see the two candidates face to face,” González pointed out.

In addition, González has assured that the communication group will offer the debate signal “to the media that request it”: “Atresmedia’s will from minute 1 has been to offer images. We have organized a debate with an interesting proposal, thinking all over the public.”


For his part, the other co-director of the debate stressed that “the whole house is with that feeling of the premiere, of looking for everything to be prepared down to the last detail”. “This is the house where the great electoral debates have been held, which revolutionized the debates in 2015 with the first four-person debate. We are proud to be able to repeat again, this time face to face, a format that is back, and to be able to be the town square, the place where that debate takes place”, said González Antón.

‘Face to face. The Debate’ can be followed both inside and outside Spain on the main Atresmedia channels, stations and platform: Antena 3, La Sexta, Onda Cero, Atresplayer and Antena 3 Internacional.

The one on July 10 is not the first face-to-face between candidates for the Presidency of the Government organized by the communication group, since in 1993 Antena 3 broadcast the debate between Felipe González and José María Aznar.

In 2015, Atresmedia organized ‘7D The Decisive Debate’, with representatives of the PP, PSOE, Podemos and Ciudadanos; and in 2019 ‘El Debate’, which faced the candidates of the four parties.