The president says that he was unaware of the latest CIS survey and rejects changes in his leadership

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has assured that after the five days of reflection that has been given to decide whether to resign, he is in the mood not only to complete the three remaining years of the legislature but to continue in the next one, thus settling for now. any debate about his successor at the head of the PSOE.

“Of course the PSOE project transcends me personally,” he said in an interview with SER, reported by Europa Press, after being asked if among his plans for the democratic regeneration that he wants to carry out now includes opening the succession debate in his party.

However, he went on to maintain that the commitment he has acquired after this period of reflection to “lead”, to “not monopolize” the debate on regenerating, improving and defending democracy “is not a task that is done even in three days, not in three months, not in three years, which is what remains of our term.”

That said, he assured that he is “in the mood for these three years and those that the Spanish want with their vote.” “Of course, if the Spanish and my party want me to continue being responsible and the leader of the Socialist Party, as long as I have the desire, convictions and ideas of transformation for my country I will do it.” he has emphasized.

“I believe in politics, in its transformative power, in the progress we have achieved during these five years,” he added, defending what he considers a “model of success” and taking pride in some of the measures adopted since he came to office. Government.

“I have faced an unprecedented personal situation,” he said, to justify the letter to the citizens that he published last Wednesday after a Madrid court opened an investigation against his wife, Begoña Gómez, and the five days of reflection. that was given.

“I have debated with myself, I have had a bad time, I have slept very little, I have eaten less, but I have found the necessary strength, the drive and the necessary support to face one of the essential debates of every democrat, and that is how to defend the democracy in the 21st century, in the face of the rise of a reactionary wave that wants to impose its regressive agenda by destroying the adversary and not by convincing the goodness of its political proposals,” he pointed out.

On the other hand, the President of the Government has implied that a change in the leadership of the CIS, headed by José Félix Tezanos, is not included in his regeneration plans. Expressly asked about this issue, he maintained that in Spain there are only three population centers that publish their raw data and one of them is the CIS.

“You may criticize or not, and you may say that you agree or disagree with the estimate that the Center for Sociological Research can make, but what you cannot say is that the raw material is not shown to the general public.” “, he stated, highlighting that there are media outlets that make their own estimates based on this data.

In contrast, he said, there are some websites and digital media that “invent surveys in an absolutely shameless way” because demographic studies “have become another tool of electoral attrition.”

Sánchez has framed it in “the delegitimization of the adversary, in the demonization of the adversary to turn him into public enemy number one” and where “any lie, defamation, hatred” and polls are worth anything “in order to invest the social support that can be to temporarily have a political option, which in this case is mine.

Thus, the president has assured that he found out from the press that the CIS was going to carry out an express survey on his reflection period and has questioned the electoral impact that this may have regarding the upcoming elections.


In another order of things, and as happened last night in the interview on TVE, Sánchez has not been very convinced of the need to regulate in some way the activities that the presidents’ partners can carry out. “It is a debate that we can perhaps open, but it seems unfair to me that it is opened based on hoaxes and misinformation,” he said.

Regarding the explanations that the opposition is asking him to give regarding his wife’s activities, Sánchez has replied that they will have to “tell him what he is accused of” since everything that there is against her is “uncontracted information.” and that is why the judge in the ‘Koldo case’ considers that “she does not have to be called even as a witness.”

“Look at the perversion of the debate we are in, I have to respond to accusations that are not proven,” he said, also regretting that the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has implied that what his wife has to do is “not working, staying home with one hand on top of the other, giving up your professional development for the benefit of my professional development.”

Sánchez has assured that he respects women who do this “by a free and personal decision” but has made it clear that he works as president “for a Spain in which women have the same rights, the same equality as men and that they do not have to give up their professional career for the professional career of man.