The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has attacked the three autonomous governments of PP and Vox that have promoted the so-called concord laws, following the report of the United Nations rapporteurs demanding necessary measures to preserve historical memory, and has warned that The Spanish Executive will defend “the democratic memory and dignity of the victims of Franco’s regime.”

According to the president, “equating victims with executioners is the opposite of harmony” and “equating dictatorship with democracy is the opposite of the truth.” “The setback represented by the autonomous governments of Feijóo and Abascal are not a threat but a reality,” Sánchez indicated in a message published on the social network X.

The UN has urged the Government of Spain to “take the necessary measures” to preserve historical memory in the face of the concord laws passed by PP and Vox in Aragón, the Valencian Community and Castilla y León, claiming that they can “invisibilize” the ” serious violations of Human Rights” committed during the “Franco dictatorial regime.”

This is what three United Nations rapporteurs have expressed in a report in which they responded to the complaint presented by the Government against the so-called “concord laws” that have been processed in three of the territories where PP and Vox govern in coalition. The central Executive raised the issue with the UN, considering that these regulations are “contrary” to the values ​​included in the Democratic Memory Law approved last legislature.

“The so-called ‘concord’ laws approved or presented for parliamentary approval in the autonomous communities of Aragón, Castilla y León, and Valencia, could affect the obligation of the Spanish State, including its powers and national or local entities, in matters of Human Rights. Human Rights, in particular the obligation to guarantee the preservation of the historical memory of serious violations of Human Rights,” reads the UN document.