The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has assured that after the five days of reflection that has been given to decide whether to resign, he is in the mood not only to complete the remaining three years of the legislature but to continue in the next one, thus settling for now. any debate about his successor at the head of the PSOE.

“Of course the PSOE project transcends me personally,” he said in an interview with SER, reported by Europa Press, after being asked if among his plans for the democratic regeneration that he wants to carry out now includes opening the succession debate in his party.

However, he went on to maintain that the commitment he has acquired after this period of reflection to “lead, not monopolize” the debate on regenerating, improving and defending democracy “is not a task that can be done even in three days, nor in three months, nor in three years, which is what remains of our legislature.

Follow today’s latest news on Sánchez’s announcement here.