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Costa Cabana Bull is a family business with years of experience specialized in the breeding and protection of miniature bull terrier dogs, a benchmark company thanks to its good work and work.

Granada, May 10, 2024.- To speak of Costa Cabana Bull is to speak of a team of professionals who ensure the protection and respect of the miniature bull terrier dog and make their work their true passion. This miniature bull terrier kennel located in Granada has many years of tireless work behind it, thus becoming a benchmark in the country thanks to its good work and work. At Costa Cabana Bull they are not only responsible for breeding the miniature bull terrier dog, but they also accompany it in the different stages of its development. In its specialized facilities for mini bull dogs, the Costa Cabana Bull team offers the best possible care and well-being so that the mini bulls grow up in the best environment and are truly happy dogs. In fact, concern for the health and well-being of dogs is a priority in this center, which also has individualized facilities for each one of them with all kinds of comforts. Currently, the breeder has an area of ​​2,500 square meters designed exclusively for the care and enjoyment of the miniature bull terrier dog. In this way, they position themselves as a leading and innovative center dedicated exclusively to the breeding of the miniature bull terrier. Today, Costa Cabana Bull has worked in more than 36 different countries, offering personalized attention to clients from different parts of the world. such as the United Kingdom, the United States, Finland, Poland, Colombia and many others. Once delivered to their respective families, the miniature bull terrier puppies undergo constant review and control by the center in order to ensure the correct care of the dog and that it is in the best possible condition. In this way, families who wish to do so will be able to receive individualized support, focused on answering all the doubts and questions they may have about raising the miniature bull terrier. The objective of this mini bull terrier breeder is not only to continue working in the breeding of the mini bull dog breed, but they also ensure their protection and respect anywhere in the world. Thanks to this, Costa Cabana Bull can boast of having achieved great success and recognition in its specialty thanks to its dedication and dedication to the miniature bull terrier dog. A complete recognition of their tireless work and trajectory that this family business promises to continue defending every day doing what they do best, working for the mini bull dog. Issuer: Costa Cabana Bull

Contact Contact name: Jose Garcia Contact description: Marketing Contact phone: 644 01 03 47