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Barcelona, ??March 14, 2023.

Jaime Gregorio lost his job, did not achieve the desired job stability and suffered an ERTE due to COVID-19

Repair your Debt Abogados, the leading law firm in Spain in the processing of the Second Chance Law, has achieved another debt cancellation in Barcelona (Catalonia). Through the management of Repara tu Deuda Abogados, the Court of First Instance No. 50 of Barcelona (Catalonia) has issued the benefit of exoneration of the unsatisfied liability in the case of Jaime Gregorio, who had accumulated a debt of 38,034 euros that he could not make forehead. SEE JUDGMENT In the video in which he is delivered the car for which he is exonerated of all his debts, he acknowledges that “I am excited. Relieved.” And it is that “they were years of suffering. You appeared in my life to solve it. I owe everything to Repair your Debt and to the people who work here, who have worked hard to make it go well.” SEE VIDEOJaime Gregorio lost his job in 2017 after a labor inspection at his company that determined that his situation was false self-employment. As a consequence, he not only lost his job, but also Social Security fined him about 6,000 euros. Thus, he accepted the credit cards offered by the bank since only with the unemployment benefit and what he earned from small temporary jobs he could not meet all his essential expenses and pay the fine. Unfortunately his economic situation did not improve as he alternated periods of unemployment with periods of short-term work with low pay. This situation worsened even more when, as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, he remained in an ERTE situation for 15 months. As the lawyers for Repair your Debt explain, “Spain was one of the European Union countries that took the longest to incorporate the Second Chance Law into its legislation.This is a mechanism provided for the cancellation of the debt of individuals, including the self-employed, which was recommended by the European Commission in 2014. One year later The entry into force of this legislation occurred after its approval by Parliament”. Repair your Debt Abogados has helped, since it launched its activity in September 2015, many people who were in desperate situations but did not know how to get out of that circumstance. Although there is some ignorance about this legislation, more and more people are requesting to take advantage of it. More than 20,000 individuals and freelancers have put their story of over-indebtedness in the hands of the law firm to start over with more strength. At this time, it must be said that the figure of 130 million euros of exonerated debt for people from the different autonomous communities of Spain has already been exceeded. This legislation allows individuals and self-employed persons to be free of debt as long as it is shown that they have acted in good faith, collaborating at all times in the process, that the amount owed does not exceed 5 million euros and that the bankrupt has not been convicted of socioeconomic crimes during the last ten years.

Contact Contact name: David Guerrero Contact description: David Guerrero Contact telephone number: 655956735
