The Government of Spain has flatly rejected the unfounded terms of the statement issued by the Office of the President of the Argentine Republic that “do not correspond to the relations of two brother countries and peoples.”

This was stated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation in a statement after the president of Argentina, Javier Milei, charged against the head of the Spanish Executive, Pedro Sánchez, saying that “he has more important problems than those he take care of”, in response to some statements made this Friday about the Argentine leader by the Minister of Transportation, Óscar Puente.

Following the statement from the Argentine president, the Ministry headed by José Manuel Albares has assured that the Government and the Spanish people “will continue to maintain and strengthen their fraternal ties and their relations of friendship and collaboration with the Argentine people, a will shared by the entire Spanish society.” “.

“The Government of Pedro Sánchez has more important problems to deal with, such as the accusations of corruption leveled against his wife, an issue that even led him to evaluate his resignation,” Milei said in a statement published on the social network X.

In this sense, the Argentine president hopes that Justice will act “quickly” in the face of this case of corruption which, as he added, “affects the stability” of Spain and the relations between both countries.

In addition, he has accused President Pedro Sánchez of “jeopardizing” the unity of Spain by “agreeing with separatists”, women by “allowing the illegal immigration of those who threaten their physical integrity” and the middle class, by “socialist policies.” that only bring poverty and death”.