The Government’s spokesperson minister, Pilar Alegría, stressed this Saturday that, regardless of whether she likes its decisions “more or less”, the Executive “is always respectful” of the Judiciary.

She did so when asked about the criticism that the third vice president, Teresa Ribera, dedicated a few days ago to the judge of the National Court Manuel García Castellón. After García Castellón insisted on the terrorist thesis in the ‘Democratic Tsunami’ case, in which he is investigating former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont, Ribera pointed out that this judge has a “certain desire” to rule in “sensitive political moments.”

Upon arrival at the convention that the PSOE is holding this weekend in A Coruña, Alegría was asked if Ribera was wrong with those controversial words or what happened was that he was misunderstood. According to the spokesperson, the vice president “tried to transfer” the position that the coalition government has maintained “from day one.”

“Sometimes, certainly, we may like more or less, like any citizen, some type of judicial resolution, but respect prevails above all,” stressed the also head of Education.

Alegría has elaborated that this respect between powers “is fundamental.” “There is a separation of powers established and what we do is respect each other. Of course, from the PSOE and from the Government of Spain we are very clear about it,” he said, before pointing out that, in his opinion, whoever has suspended In this matter it is the PP.

Next, he mentioned the “famous messages” of the PP’s former spokesperson in the Senate, Ignacio Cosidó, boasting that the party could “control the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court from behind” and the words of the party’s president, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, questioning the legitimacy of the Government or the Constitutional Court.

Alegría has also brought up the latest information about ‘Operation Catalonia’ which, he indicated, shows that, “when the PP was in Government, it used all public resources to spy on and extort political opponents.”

The spokesperson for the Socialist Group in Congress, Patxi López, has also been questioned about Ribera’s criticism of García Castellón. In her opinion, if the press continues to ask about this issue, it is because “some” have not “well understood” what the vice president said.

“All respect for the Judiciary. I don’t have much more to say,” responded, for his part, the first secretary of the PSC and former Minister of Health Salvador Illa, avoiding delving into this controversy.