Tellado says that this rule shows “the few scruples of the PSOE”, with whom it is difficult to agree because it is no longer a “state party”


The spokesman for the Popular Group in Congress, Miguel Tellado, has accused this Saturday the senior lawyer and general secretary of Congress, Fernando Galindo, of withholding for six days the report of the lawyers of the Justice Commission that “invalidates” the amnesty law . Furthermore, he has been convinced that the president of Congress, Francina Armengol, “also had” this document, given its “transcendence.”

In an interview on RNE, which was reported by Europa Press, Tellado pointed out that the lawyers of the Justice Commission “have issued a report that is devastating” for the Government, since it “makes it clear that the amnesty law is unconstitutional.” and that to process such a rule it is necessary to resort to a reform of the Magna Carta.

Tellado recalled that the lawyers’ report was dated January 10 and was not sent to the parliamentary groups until the 16th, six days later. “It is true that the commission’s lawyers assumed this delay, but it is no less true that since the 10th the senior lawyer, Mr. Galindo, at the service of Mrs. Armengol had that report available,” he stressed.

As he stressed, it is not “just any” report but rather it “destroys the possibility of continuing to process” the amnesty law. “Therefore, I am sure that if Mr. Galindo had that report, Mrs. Armengol also had it, I have no doubt, given the importance of the report,” she added.

For this reason, he has insisted that the PP does not understand how this “devastating” document is not made available “to the 350 deputies” from the moment it is received. “Is there bad faith on the part of the senior lawyer? I have no doubt. That Mrs. Armengol knew it? I don’t doubt it either,” she emphasized.

In any case, he has indicated that “the important thing is not whether the report was sent to us six days before or six days after” but rather its content because “it invalidates everything that is being done in Congress during this month of January and should lead to the Socialist Party to reflect forcefully.”

In response to Vox’s request that the PP not process this law in the Senate, Tellado has assured that “it has to be processed” in the Upper House, “with all the guarantees and with all the necessary debate.” “And I am sure that the majority of the Senate, which is the parliamentary majority of the PP, will stop this law,” he stated, although he acknowledged that later the PSOE and its partners will “rehabilitate” it in Congress.

Tellado has highlighted that approving this law is “a historical error” and “unprecedented” for Spain which, in his opinion, “demonstrates the few scruples of a PSOE that believes that politics is above the law and that the end justifies the media”.

As for whether he trusts that the judges will end up stopping the application of the amnesty law, he has been convinced that the judges “will defend the rule of law, the rule of law, the separation of powers and equality of Spaniards before the law”.

On the other hand, Tellado has harshly attacked the third vice president, Teresa Ribera, for pointing out the judge of the National Court Manuel García-Castellón, who is investigating Carles Puigdemont.

“When Podemos was the one that criticized the judges from the PSOE, they stood out and criticized Podemos. Now we see that it is socialist ministers who criticize the judges and do not respect judicial independence and the actions of Justice,” he proclaimed.

In her opinion, Ribera’s statements “equate her” to the general coordinator of EH Bildu, Arnaldo Otegi, who this week “did exactly the same” by “criticizing the judges, ensuring that they do politics from the courts.” “It is tremendously serious, it is inadmissible and that is why we ask Minister Bolaños to say if he agrees with his colleague on the Council of Ministers,” he added.

Tellado has assured that “in a modern” and “mature” democracy like Spain’s, Ribera’s statements “are out of place and show that the Socialist Party is experiencing an unprecedented drift.” According to him he added, it was a “state party and today absolutely no one knows it.”

In this sense, he has stressed that the PSOE “is no longer what it was” and, therefore, it is “very difficult” to reach agreements with it, given that it “lies” and reaches agreements with “those who want to weaken the State.” “. For all this, he has reiterated that “it is very difficult to reach State agreements with a party that is no longer a State party.”

Regarding the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), after Pedro Sánchez and Alberto Núñez Feijóo agreed in December on the renewal with supervision of the EU, Tellado has indicated that they proposed a “verifier that should be the European Commission “. “And we understood that it had to be Mr. Reynders,” he said, referring to the EU Justice Commissioner.

That said, he has indicated that they are “waiting” for the European Commission to “accept this invitation to mediate between the PSOE, the Government and the main opposition party to meet the demands of Europe” and “depoliticize Justice.”

Tellado has stated that Sánchez “does not want to renew the CGPJ” but rather wants to “control it”, as he has done with other institutions. “And for that we have already told him not to count on us. They already tried to deceive us once and we are not willing to be deceived a second time,” he warned.

However, he has pointed out that if this negotiation occurs with the “participation of the European Commission as a verifier”, with the aim of “walking on the path marked by Europe of greater democratic quality and depoliticization of justice”, the PP will not close. the door to an agreement. “But the reality is that we trust very little, very very little in the Socialist Party”, he concluded.