The Ibex 35 has distanced itself from the general increases in Europe this Thursday and has recorded a decrease of 0.92%, reaching 11,050.1 points, affected by the collapse of BBVA after said entity had launched a public offer of hostile takeover (takeover bid) of 100% of Banco Sabadell.

Precisely, the aforementioned entities have been placed at opposite extremes within the reference indicator of the Spanish market: BBVA has led the declines with a fall of 6.71% and Banco Sabadell has posted the second best result of the day with a rise of 3 .17%, just after Fluidra (4%).

This operation occurs after Sabadell’s rejection last Monday of a friendly proposal by BBVA, which was originally launched on April 30.

BBVA offers Sabadell shareholders an exchange of one new title for every 4.83 of Sabadell, the same offer that it had proposed last week to the board of directors of the Catalan entity, so the 30% premium over the closing price of both entities on April 29; 42% on the weighted average prices of the last month; and 50% on the weighted average prices of the last three months.

In reaction to this news, the Government has expressed its rejection and has warned of “harmful effects”, a position in which the Generalitat of Catalonia and the majority of Catalan parties have also expressed themselves in a context influenced by the regional elections next year. Sunday in that community.

For his part, the president of BBVA, Carlos Torres, has responded that he believes that the Government will end up appreciating the value of the hostile Takeover Offer (OPA) on Sabadell, once all the terms of the operation are “clear”. , while its term would range between 6 and 8 months.

Likewise, Torres has indicated that there have already been investors from Banco Sabadell, “some relevant ones”, who have contacted his entity to express their interest in the merger operation that it has proposed.

Beyond the two financial entities that have monopolized the interest of investors this Thursday, at the close of trading Acciona Energía (2.5%) and Enagás (1.2%) stood out in the advances, while in the losses Inditex (-1.97%), IAG (-1.03%), Indra (-1%), Bankinter (-0.96%), Ferrovial (-0.9%), Caixabank (-0. 89%) and Telefónica (-0.69%).

In the business field, marked by the publication of business results, Telefónica reported before the market opened that it registered a net profit of 532 million euros in the first quarter of the year, which represents an increase of almost 79% in compared to 298 million euros in the same period of the previous year.

Under the macroeconomic umbrella, the Public Treasury has placed 6,245 million euros this Thursday in a new auction of bonds and obligations, in the expected mid-range, and has done so by raising the five- and 15-year profitability, according to data published by the Bank of Spain.

On the other hand, the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England (BoE) has decided to maintain the reference interest rate for its operations at 5.25%, the highest level since 2008 and unchanged for the sixth consecutive meeting, according to the institution has announced.

The English central bank has argued that monetary policy will have to remain restrictive for long enough for inflation to return to the 2% target on a sustainable basis in the medium term.

The main European stock markets, contrary to the Spanish stock market, have made gains during the day: London has added 0.33%; Milan 0.55%; Paris 0.69% and Frankfurt 1.02%. For their part, Wall Street indices registered advances of half a percentage point at closing time in Europe after learning of a greater than expected rebound in weekly unemployment claims in that country.

Regarding the New York stock market, Ferrovial debuted this Thursday on the Nasdaq index, while its shares provisionally debuted – at closing time in Europe – with a decrease of 4%.

At the same time, the price of a barrel of Brent quality oil, a reference for the Old Continent, remained unchanged at 83.57 dollars, while that of Texas stood at 79 dollars, also the same level as that registered at yesterday’s close.

In the foreign exchange market, the price of the euro against the dollar strengthened by 0.25%, to 1.0774 ‘greenbacks’, while in the debt market the interest required on the 10-year Spanish bond has closed at 3.281 after adding four basis points, with the risk premium (the differential with the German bond) at 78.8 points.