The IDF will “gradually” evacuate the east of the city to direct the population towards the coastal area of ​​​​Al Mawasi

The Israeli Army has asked the Palestinians this Monday to leave “immediately” the neighborhoods in the eastern area of ​​the city of Rafah, in the south of the Gaza Strip, in the face of an imminent offensive in which Israeli troops “will use against terrorist organizations” in residential areas.

“An urgent appeal to all residents and displaced people in the area of ​​​​Al Shuka municipality and in the neighborhoods of Al Salam, Al Jeneina, Tabbat Ziraa and Al Byuk in the city of Rafah: the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) will use extreme force against terrorist organizations in the areas where they reside, as they have done until now. Anyone who is close to terrorist organizations puts their life and that of their family in danger,” the Arabic spokesman for the Israeli Army published, Avichai Adrai, on his X social network account.

In addition, he has asked the Palestinians for an “immediate” evacuation to Al Mawasi, located on the coast and where the IDF has announced an expansion of the considered safe humanitarian zone, although bombings have also been recorded in this area since it was classified as such. .

“The Army has expanded the humanitarian area in Al Mawasi to meet the increase in aid arriving in Gaza. This expanded humanitarian area includes field hospitals, tents and increased quantities of food, water, medicine and additional supplies,” it reads. an IDF statement.

According to the letter, the evacuation will occur “gradually” from the east of the city to the designated areas and relying on the use of SMS messages, brochures, telephone calls and broadcasts in Arabic in the media.

“We warn that Gaza City remains a dangerous combat zone. Please refrain from returning to the north. We warn you not to approach the eastern and southern security fence,” the spokesperson added.

The international community has been categorically opposed to this operation, which the Israeli authorities had been warning about for weeks, because it serves as a refuge for 1.4 million Palestinians who have fled from other areas of the enclave. Even the United States, its greatest ally, has shown its reluctance to the Israeli plan, considering that there was no safe way to carry out this evacuation campaign, although it has not commented on this new announcement.