The PSC would win the Catalan elections with 40-42 seats and 28.6% of the votes, followed by Junts with 35-37 deputies and 22.2% support and by ERC, with 21-23 and 14.2 %, according to a survey by Gesop for ‘El Periódico de Catalunya’ collected by Europa Press this Monday.

Next, the PP would tie with Vox with between 10 and 11 seats in the Parliament, the former with 7.7% of the vote compared to 7.3% for the latter, and the CUP would receive 7-8 (5.4% ).

Finally, Comuns Sumar would remain with 4-6 deputies (5.2%) and Aliança Catalana would enter the Catalan Chamber with 3-4 (3.4%), while Cs (1.5%) would leave the plenum and Alhora , the party of former councilor Clara Ponsatí, would not get representation.